100. Where Am I?

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"Someone wants us to fight."

Michelia sat back in her chair. "They wanted you to think that Mateo killed Mona and shot Dmitri and us to think that you ordered the accident and the shootout."

Sergey nodded, happy that Michelia was ready to hear him out.

"I don't want a fight that would cost me Dmitri, Lia." Sergey said. He hadn't called her Lia in years but it felt right. "Mona was one crazy bitch but she still was my baby sister, and now that she is gone, I only have Dmitri and I do not want anything happening to him no matter how much of an annoying brat he is."

Michelia did not particularly like Sergey – he was an asshole, but she knew that he loved his brother and sister a lot even though he was always hard on them. Their father was an unfaithful man who ruined his family and their mother had taken her life, so Sergey had been the parent figure to his siblings, and so it was understandable how much worried he must be for Dmitri after Mona dying a month ago.

"I just hope we find the culprit soon." Michelia sighed. "This cat and mouse game is taking a toll on everyone."

"Oh, I will find whoever it is." The dangerous tone was back. "And they will pay for taking my Mona from me."

Michelia shook her head. "You will have to fight Mateo for that after what happened to Kiara in the accident, and River today."




Kiara and Lucas broke down crying as they ran into the arms of their father. They had not really liked the fact that their father was gone for a week, but what happened to their mother scared the shit out of the little ones.

"Papa, I am so scared." It was not everyday that River and Mateo's brave little boy admitted to being scared. "Mommy is hurt."

"I know buddy." Mateo had to calm his nerves and hide his fear as soon as his eyes fell on his little ones. They needed him and they needed him to be there to tell them that their mother will be fine. "But you know what?" He pulled away and looked at the both of them, wiping their tears away. "You know your Mommy, right? She is so strong. She will be fine."

He didn't know for sure if the love of his life would be fine, but it was what he so desperately hoped for... prayed for. He didn't know what he would do with himself if something happened to River. That woman was the most important thing in his life – sometimes he felt guilty that she came before even the twins, his own flesh and blood, and sometimes he was jealous that River would always love the twins more than she would ever love him. He had planned a whole life with her and she could not leave them.

Adam had kept him informed of what was happening, and he had also told him that after having a talk with Michelia, he also believed Sergey's claim to having nothing to do with the shootout.

Though it was only normal to doubt him, it made sense that a Mafia Boss would not order a shootout at a place which had women and children in it. Sergey might be a piece of shit but he had just enough honour not to do that.

"But there was so much blood..." Kiara's voice broke as she said it. "And she was in pain..." She broke out crying again and so did Lucas. The two babies were extremely strong and brave but to see their superwoman of a mother like that was extremely traumatizing for them, more traumatizing than being kidnapped or being in an accident.

"I know I know." Mateo hugged them again. "But I promise you, she will be fine."




"Wakey wakey sleepy head." Dr. Natasha Fick, a general surgeon and friend of River, smiled as she scribbled on the case sheet, watching River squint as the bright lights hit her face.

"Where am I?" She spoke, her voice croaky.

"Post Op, ICU." Natasha sighed and then passed the case sheet to her intern. "I just spent four hours in the OR doing a partial hepatectomy on you. I had to remove one third of your liver. I guess it's safe to say that I saved your life?"

"The kids?"

"Everyone's outside. Security will have to kick them out soon, but for now everyone's there. Your boyfriend, Mateo, he is hawt! He is the baby daddy, isn't he? Hey, that dude Adam, is he single?"

River wanted to roll her eyes but she simply groaned.

"Alright alright." Natasha laughed. "I won't annoy you. I will see you in rounds tomorrow."

She turned to her intern. "Rogers, the patient is one of the best surgeons in the hospital. If something happens to her on your watch, you can kiss your career good bye. Watch her tonight and if everything stays normal, we will shift her to the rooms tomorrow afternoon."

River blinked as she tried to remember what happened. The intern, Dr. Tina Rogers, took a seat on the chair that she had dragged there for herself. She planned to spend the whole night right beside the orthopaedic surgeon who her friends spoke so highly of though she didn't have a chance of her own to interact with.

"Do you feel any pain? Should I administer some morphine?" She asked.

River shook her head, groaning. "Can you tell my boyfriend to take the kids home?"

Tina blinked. "Sure." She said slowly. "I will do that." She got up from her chair.

"Thanks Rogers." River muttered out.

Tina smiled and made her way out, finding the big group of people outside.

"Um... Mr. Mateo?" She asked, remembering Natasha calling him the baby daddy.

He got up at once, both his children asleep on his either arms.

"Is she alright? Does she want to meet me?" He whispered.

"No. You can't see her yet." Tina said. "But she is fine, as of now... Just groggy from the surgery."

Mateo nodded. Of course she would be tired and groggy from the anesthesia.

"She wants you to go home with the kids." She passed on what River told her to.

"Sure, that's happening." Leonardo chuckled dryly.

"Ask her to ask for something else because we are not leaving." Sebastian said.

Tina looked between the three men who looked so intimidating even though they were standing or sitting there holding their children.

"It's hospital policy. You will have to go." Jacqueline came to Tina's rescue. "Mateo, the children need rest. You can stay here. Ask the rest to go home."





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