26. We Need Fireworks

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"There are activities in the old abandoned dock." Alessia said tapping on her iPad showing her brother a CCTV footage of men in the dock.

"They never use that place." Ricardo, one of Mateo's men and a great fighter, said.

"Exactly." Alessia said. "And look at this black SUV." She zoomed in on the number plate. "It's the same that was seen outside the children's school."

Mateo nodded. "Okay, so she will be expecting us for sure."

"What she doesn't know is that I have hacked into their security system."

They looked up to see Michelia grinning through the screen.

"Go Girl power!" Alessia clapped while Ricardo rolled his eyes.

"Okay so what's the strategy?"




"There are entrances from here, here and here." Michelia pointed at the blueprint of the dockyard on the screen.

Ricardo, Alessia, Adam, Leonardo, Michelia and Mateo were in her hospital room. She had to stay there for another two weeks before Enzo was all better to be taken home. And since she could not leave her child there, they all got all the things she needed to come up with a strategy.

"This dock right here is where the old ship is and I got its security system hacked. They used thermal imaging inside." She switched to another screen. "The dockyard has twenty three functional cameras. Two are down." She explained.

She switched back to the blueprint. "Those are here and here."

One was close to an entrance.

"So if we take out the guards here, we can sneak in undetected." Alessia concluded.

Michelia nodded. "And this is the blueprint of the ship, and look here, there are thermal imprints over here at all times. I am guessing that's where the kids are."

"But we need fireworks as well." Adam said.

"What do you have in mind?" Mateo asked.

"We will present an offensive front. Keep them busy while some of us stealthily get the kids." Michelia stated, typing away on her phone, organizing everything.

"Okay so let's do this – Alessia, Adam and I will move in first and you think you can handle the working CCTV so that all the men there are not alerted?" Michelia nodded as Mateo continued. "And once we get close enough to the ship, we will signal the offensive front to cause the distraction and-"

"Everyone will be busy with the fight, they will let their guard down where the kids are." Leonardo finished for his cousin. "They will be expecting us though."

Mateo nodded. That was obvious.

"Alright, we have a plan." Alessia said. "I am going back to the family home and get everyone ready."

Ricardo and she left while Adam and Mateo stayed back.

They decided Leonardo was staying back with Michelia though he protested.

"That's my niece and nephew she messed with. You think I am gonna miss out on this?" He glared at Mateo.

"You can do as you please when we personally bring the Russian Mafia down." He reasoned. "Right now, stay with your son and wife."

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