96. Adam... We Love You...

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"Whoa, get a room!" Adam turned around as soon as he entered the room.

Michelia and Leonardo scooted up from the couch while Mateo raised a brow at them, and Adam turned back on his heels.

"You do know there is a kid in the house, right? Though the other two are at school?" He asked, hands on hips like the granny he is.

"Enzo is out with River." Michelia glared at Adam, her face red with embarrassment.

"Only the two of them?" Mateo's protective mode was back on.

"And Victor." Leonardo said. "And two SUVs of security River isn't aware of. Mateo, do you really think we would let the two of them roam around the city without protection?"

"He really does think that, you know." Adam snickered. "He thinks that no one cares for any of our safety except him. It's funny to watch when River gives him a piece of her mind for it."

"Shut up." Mateo growled at him.

"So what's the news?" Leonardo asked. "I am sure you guys wouldn't have come here if it wasn't for that."

"We have a lead on Alessia. Someone saw her in Chicago."

"Chicago?" Michelia pushed her hand out and Mateo was quick to give her the flash drive. Michelia had tightened the cyber security and no one was allowed to share information while connected to the internet so they were using the old school methods to pass information.

She quickly took the spare laptop lying around and rechecked that it was not connected to anything before checking the contents.

"Yep, that's her." She said, zooming in on the hand of the girl in all black. It was the bird that Alessia had tattooed over a burn mark that Antonio had given her. "But what is she doing there?"

"I am sure it is whatever she disappeared a month ago for." Adam said.

Michelia rolled her eyes. She was also an Adam-Alessia shipper like River and she had also been noting Adam's behaviour in the month that Alessia had been gone. He tried to look not affected at all but his true feelings always got through and anyone with common sense could say that he was worried about her and missing her – and of course, by people with common sense, she meant anyone except the elder brothers of the girl. The day Mateo and Leonardo get to know of the sparks between the two, there was going to be an explosion.

Leonardo was in denial. And from what Michelia had heard from River, Mateo was in too.

"Alright, Adam and I will fly down to Chicago and try to find her." Leonardo said.

"I am not going anywhere." Adam said stubbornly. "I am going to stay here and protect my niece and nephews. You two brothers go find your sister."

Michelia rolled her eyes again. She was not even going to make a comment on this. She was just pissed that she would have to wait for River to come back home for her to rant about how dumb the men in the lives were.




"I miss the twins." Lilith Johnson pouted as she shoveled some mashed potatoes into her plate.

"Oh thank you so much Nanna." Sebastian rolled his eyes. "And we thought you would be happy to see your grandchildren." He gestured to himself and River.

"You talk as if you don't drop by every other day." She rolled her eyes, and took a scoop of her salad, turning to River. "I had a dream you would have another child. When are you going to give me another great grandchild?"

River choked on her salad.

"Not any time soon." Susan Johnson spoke up. "Mom, she already has a lot on her plate."

"Here, I will help you out." Sebastian chuckled, taking a nugget from her plate.

River swatted his hand away but couldn't save her nugget. She turned to her grandmother. "Exactly Nanna, I don't think I am ready for another child right now."

"Oh I don't know." Lilith had a smile on her face. "I just told you about the dream I had."

River narrowed her eyes at her grandmother, knowing very well that the old woman had succeeded in what she was trying to do - put the idea of another kid in her head. And the orthopedic surgeon was infinitesimally grateful that her boyfriend was not with her because it was obvious that the man would have a panic attack if he was here to hear what the older Johnson had to say.




"I can't believe you, Adam Smith!!" River bellowed. Mateo and Leonardo had left for Chicago immediately though Mateo wanted to stay till River got back.

"I am sorry I made Mateo go. I know-" Before Adam could continue, River flicked him on the forehead which made Michelia burst out laughing. She was so glad that her friend slash future sister in law existed.

"Thank you, my friend." Michelia side hugged River and the duo gave him identical narrowed-eyed looks.

"You two are starting to act like clones." Adam pointed at them, trying to change the topic.

"Adam..." River started.

"We love you..." Michelia continued.

"But that won't stop us from kicking your ass..." River huffed.

"If you don't stop being one."

Adam rolled his eyes. He knew exactly what they were talking about but he was just not ready to accept it, especially not to the two women who were breathing fire at the moment.

"Oh come on, why is it so bad that I made Mateo go?" Adam asked. "They are her brothers. I am nothing to her. No no, infact she HATES me."

"Oh yeah, and she said that?" Michelia asked.

"Yes." Adam said flatly.

Michelia and River looked at each other. They couldn't deny it - Alessia did scream "I HATE YOU!" at Adam at least three times a day.

"Now, if you will excuse me." Adam rolled his eyes and walked away, picking up Lorenzo's carrier as he did.

Michelia turned to River. "The men in our lives are idiots."

"And we are a bit difficult." She added.





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