Ch. 6 - Making Brad Jealous

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"Ummm. Did I call the wrong number? Who the hell are you?" Brad asked, sounding confused.

"I'm Keaton, Everly's new boyfriend," he said and she gasped, before slapping her hand over her mouth so Brad wouldn't hear. "She's mine now so you can piss right off and stop bothering her. You already had your chance bruv and you fucked it up, BIG time. Oh and by the way, I just banged your girl mate and it was bloody brilliant, amazing, the best I've ever had. Cheers wanker," Keaton said in his thick, sexy British accent before surprising Everly by leaning over and giving her a deep, hard kiss on the lips that made her eyes go wide. The camera was still on them and Keaton turned his head and winked at it with a cocky smirk before hanging up.

She sat there in shock, processing what just happened. 

"Keaton! I can't believe you just did that!" Everly shouted, smacking his arm and looking at him in disbelief. He gave her a mischievous smile and his confidence was so sexy, she almost melted right there. 

"You should be thanking me. Now maybe he'll take a hint and leave you alone. That wanker is probably still picking his jaw up off the floor," Keaton laughed. "You should've seen his face when I said the bit about banging you. Priceless." 

She shook her head with a laugh. "I wish I could've seen it."

"It was amazing," he smiled. "I wish I had recorded it. I'd seriously make that twat go viral." 

She sat there and looked over at Keaton with his sandy blondish-brown hair, blue eyes and chiseled jaw line. He was so handsome it made her chest ache and that kiss was incredible. 

"So ummmmm. That kiss, was that just to make Brad jealous?" she asked, looking down at her hands. "And the part where you said you were my boyfriend? Did you mean any of that? I mean, do you," she asked slowly, hesitating before adding, "want to be my boyfriend?"

"Oh, I ummm," he said, clearing his throat and running a hand up through his hair, letting out an awkward laugh and looking flustered. That question obviously made him uncomfortable. "No, no offense to you at all. I mean, if I were to ever have a girlfriend again, I'd want it to be with someone like you: smart, responsible, beautiful, sweet, but I'm not the dating type."

Hearing that he didn't date was disappointing because that kiss had been incredible. She had gotten her hopes up that maybe he felt what she had when they kissed. 

"So if you don't date, then what are we? Just friends?" she asked with a scrunched brow, looking confused.

"Yeah. I mean we're friends and once in a while we could fool around," he said, his eyes scanning down over her body. "But that's all I can give you."

"Once in a while we could fool around?" she scoffed. "I'm sorry, but I'm not the type of girl to just fool around with a guy with no commitment. I've been saving my virginity for almost five years for Brad for goodness sake. Do you think I'm just going to give it away that easy to a some guy I just met?" she laughed.

He laughed and said, "No, but you can't blame a man for trying." He gave her a mischievous smile and she smiled back before taking a deep breath in and letting it out, looking down at her hands. 

She sat there in silence for a second before saying,"Do you realize Brad's the only man I've ever kissed in my entire life until just now?" 

"Really?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. "Fuck, if I had known that I would have put a little effort into it," he laughed.

She laughed too and  felt her face flushing as she said, "No, it was good," with a smile.  

That made him smile too and he leaned in a little closer, looking at her for a second before saying, "Well, you know we could always do it again."

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