Ch. 18 - The First Time

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His mouth covered hers and she closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around his neck as she kissed him back. She pulled away from his kiss and looked up into his eyes, feeling her heart beating faster and suddenly she felt anxious. 

He noticed the change in her expression and asked, "What's the matter?" studying her eyes. "Are you sure you want to do this?" 

She took a deep breath in and let it out before saying, "Yeah, Keaton. I'm sure. I'm just nervous."

He gave her a warm smile. "Everyone's nervous their first time. I know I was," he whispered, reaching up and tucking some of her loose hair behind her ear. Hearing that, she couldn't help but wonder what his first time was like and who it had been with. She was curious but she didn't ask him about it, because she didn't want to think about him with someone else. His first time was probably with some perfect, glamorous, supermodel type. 

That's the type of woman that it made sense for him to date. Honestly she was surprised that this obscenely rich man that looked like a movie star would even want to date her; a poor, ordinary girl from a small town in the Midwest. She probably paled in comparison to the rich, sophisticated London women he had dated before. He was so far out of her league it wasn't even funny and now here she was about to have sex for the first time ever with him. 

Suddenly a thought crossed her mind. What if he was disappointed? She had no idea what she was doing, so what if he thought sex with her was terrible? She had never had to worry about that when she was planning to sleep with Brad because at that time he had never been with anyone else. Keaton was a different story. He had probably been with a lot of women, very beautiful, experienced ones. How could she compete with that?

Everly looked down and fidgeted nervously with her fingernails for a second before crossing her arms across her middle.

"Hey," he said softly, stepping forward and cupping her cheek in his hand, running his thumb across it.

She slowly raised her head, locking onto his blue eyes and getting lost in them. 

"I can tell you're overthinking this," he whispered. "Just relax."

She glanced down at his lips and she didn't realize she was slowly leaning towards them and that he was doing the same until their mouths met in the middle. 

As his mouth covered hers she closed her eyes and relaxed into his kiss. Kissing him always felt amazing, like fireworks going off and it made her insides flutter and gave her a rush of adrenaline. Keaton's touch was foreign and exciting and made her insides melt. Brad had never made her feel like that, not even close. Why was she thinking about Brad again? Probably because her entire life she had always thought her first time was going to be with him, but now it wasn't. He had ruined any chance of that.

Keaton slid a hand around the back of her neck, turning his head to the side and pushing his tongue past her lips, massaging it against hers. He kissed her so deeply it made her entire body start to tingle and the spot between her legs started aching for him. His hands slowly slid down her arms and then around her back, unfastening her bra and pulling it off as they walked closer to the bed. He unfastened her jeans and slid them down before lifting her up onto the bed and laying her down. 

As she laid on that bed, only wearing a pair of white silk panties, she looked up at this man standing over her in his boxer briefs, looking down at her with those blue eyes she loved to stare into and her heart melted. In that moment, she knew that this was right. She could feel it. Keaton was the man she was meant to share her first time with. Any time she had gotten close to going all the way with Brad, something didn't feel right and she couldn't go through with it.

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