Trench & Killjoy Catch up

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You meet-
Katie and Tom were on their break and Tom went down to get some coffee from the kitchen.
He was going to add some milk, so he went to the freezer and opened the fridge and... Pop- there was a small (animal) demon where the milk was supposed to be.

"AAAAAAAAA!" Tom was surprised to see the small demon there, seemingly asleep.

He calmed himself down and took the infant out of the fridge, not knowing how or why it was in hell- or why it was in the fridge of the news station... Maybe it was someone who worked there's child?... But why in the fridge- some sick demon's lunch?...
Tom didn't like that thought, so he took the child along with his coffee back to the studio thing.

Not a lot of demons really cared about Tom bringing the infant with him, but some gave questioning looks and whispered to some of the people next to them.

Once back at the news station, he finally put the coffee down and found a blanket for the cold child...

Not one demon questioned him-... Until Katie Killjoy rocked up to her seat,
She stared at the child as they started to open their small (e/c) eyes...

"What the fuck is that?" She had a somewhat disgusted look.

"I found it in the fridge!" Tom seemed pretty proud of himself.

"Well, put that thing back!" Katie didn't like the way you looked at her.

"No- I was thinking we'd keep it."... The whole station went quiet- Tom had never stoof up to Killjoy... No one had ever stood up to Killjoy.

"No?..." She snapped her neck and yoy giggled at the noise...

"..." Tom and Katie both looked at you,
You stared back, making grabby hands to Katie.

"We're not taking them back yo the fridge- I WILL take care of them until we find their real parents." Tom picked you up,
You were fine with that, even though it wasn't the person who you wanted to pick you up.

"..." Katie didn't say anything else- if you made TOM TRENCH stand up to KATIE KILLJOY, she wouldn't stop him from taking care if you- she was actually kind of intrigued by you...

Meeting others- you've basically met everyone in the work place-

Crazy Kid
Acceptable disappointment

Shortie (cause like... You're probably the only one shorter than him and it makes him feel better)

Someone babysits you, who is it?
Well, its unlikely that they'd leave you alone, but if both of them are busy (probably while they're live-), they will get a crew member to take care if you, if not, they'll take you with them whether or not they're supposed to.


aying Something
You were sitting with Killyjoy, who had unexpectedly grown attached to you.
She was pissed at some demon.

"So, Tom and You, ey?" They teased,

You had actually known a lot and you could say some things, but you never did...
Katie couldn't bring herself to snap infront of you, so she was kinda just yelling at the demon,
But it didn't do anything...
So you decided to pipe in-
"SHUT UP, FUCKWIT!" You yelled...

The station went quiet- you usually barely made a sound... And now you could say 'shut up fuckwit' perfectly without messing up?...
Everyone was very surprised, but they started clapping and you didn't really understand why.

After you had learned to talk, you went back to being quiet,
Your next mission was to walk and scared everyone because you were so quiet-
So, you started to teach yourself anytime Katie and Tom were busy,

You, being the talented bean you were, didn't have much trouble to learn...

You could easily crawl already, but that took too long to get places and it was hard to see what was infront of you- I mean, you were short enough as is...

You were getting better at walking and today, you finally decided it was the day to scare someone- that someone just so happened to be Tom,
He was pretty easy to scare and he wasn't too far away, so if you just... Snuck up on him, you would be able to scare the Gas Mask head.

You looked up, scheming in your head...

Now was the time- no one was in the way, no one was there to spot you and Tom was all alone... Perfect.

You stood, looking to make sure he wasn't looking.
He was fixing papers- good.

You took step after step... One foot after the other...

You had made it to next to his chair without being noticed.

"Boo!" You tugged on his suit, scaring him.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaa... Y/N! How'd you get here?!?!" He looked at you and picked you up, sitting you on his lap.

"Walk. Walk!" You pointed to where you were sitting to where you had walked to.

Learning to curse
Your first words included swearing- so... Yeah...

You get it off Katie-

Someone tries to take you
You were sitting at the couch in the lobby of the news station, it was were Tom or Katie usually interviewed people and you were falling asleep,

Katie and Tom were Live and ever since you had learned to walk, you would usually walk away while they were live since they wouldn't be able to stop you.

You started to drift off, daydreaming... Maybe about to take a nap...

You were alone, so the noise level was low and you could hear tiny footsteps, but you ignored it for you were too tired to check who it was...

But your nice nap was cut short as arms wrapped around you and you were lifted off the couch.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" You screamed,

The Camera could hear you, so on the Live stream, your screaming was heard-...
Tom and Killjoy immediately got up, and although they were live, they ran to go to where they heard your screaming,

When they got there, they saw you struggling- Never had you ever seen Tom mad, so it was quite the sight to see the short blonde push and punch a tall shadow looking demon...

As Tom had attacked the demon, they had chucked you in the air and Katie had caught you-
Now, you've always seen Katie Angry, but you had never seen her snap like this...

She put you down and extra arm things that looked like spider legs popped out of her back and she joined Tom in tearing the shadow demon to shreds...

Now, this was quite the sight for you-

Once they had DESTROYED the demon, they both ran over and checked if you were okay-
Then once you were okay, Katie went back to being a bitch-

My apologies- I did this to procrastinate from an assignment, but I got lazy ;-;
So, sorry for my lazy and bad writing ;-;
Plz forgive me ;-;

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