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Chapter Song: Lie to Me- 5 Seconds of Summer ft. Julia Michaels

"Hold on I'm coming over!" Riley screamed through the phone as I just gave her the news.

As soon as I got home I called Riley. I had to. Something this monumental had to be shared with your best friend. Also maybe she could help me work through everything that just happened.

All the guys went out to grab food before they were going to come over later. Which meant I was going to see Cal again. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach already.

How was I supposed to act normal? I kept going over the scenario, his lips on mine. The butterflies were going crazy as I paced back and forth in my bedroom. Riley was a fast driver and she really only lived a few miles away so I didn't expect to wait long. Still, it felt like an eternity.

"Okay, I'm here spill," Riley announced slamming the door open before throwing herself onto my freshly made bed. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

I went through the whole story starting from when the Lacrosse team arrived at the pool up until he jogged away from me at the doors of the complex. The whole time I explained everything her eyes never strayed away.

"So what happens next?"

"I don't know." I groaned laying back next to her. I berried my face into my hands utterly embarrassed. "They're all coming over here to play video games."

"Do you think he'll come to talk to you or what?" Riley rolled over to her side to face me.

"I doubt it," I huffed. " I bet Liam's still all pissed off about the whole bet in the first place," I started to laugh.

"What happened?"

I turned to look at her. "You should have seen him, Riles. His panties were all up his ass. I swore I saw smoke coming out of his ears and nose," I started to laugh harder.

"I would pay to see Liam that mad," she joined in. "You really like him don't you," she asked gently but still serious.

"I think I do," I admitted covering my face in my hands. This was not good. 

Just as I was about to say more Liam knocked on my door opening it anyways. I rolled my eyes. He always did that. Opened the door without waiting for a response. At least he knocked first.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" He nodded towards Riley, "Hey Riley."

"Hey Liam," she smiled sweetly at him.

"Go ahead," I told him. He looked over at Riley unsure of whether he should actually talk. "She already knows what happened," I said with a quick eye roll.

"Listen I'm not mad," he let out a sigh. "It's just like I said it's weird."

"I didn't actually kiss him though," I lied. I did just not in front of him. Did that count?

"I know and thank you." It was as if the words physically pained him. "I just don't want anything to happen to either of you. I don't want anyone getting hurt."

"Who said anything about getting hurt," I asked quizzically.

"No one its just things don't always work out okay. Whether the intentions were good or not." He was obviously embarrassed by the conversation. It reminded me of my dad trying to talk to me about getting my period before Tish had to come in and take over.

"Liam it was just a friendly bet okay," I assured him. It was. I did owe Cal a kiss and he collected it. "Besides I wasn't the one who made the bet. So maybe you should be talking to the other person involved."

"But you did accept it," Riley butted in. My eyes grew wide as I looked at her silently begging her not to speak.

"Exactly!" Liam yelled. "And I will talk to him. Just like I tell Ty and Mason to leave you guys alone. Idiots. All of them," he grumbled rubbing his temple. 

"Oh my god please stop both of you it was nothing!" I groaned laying back down.

"Well everyone's upstairs and dad is ordering pizza for dinner," Liam gave me a shrug. He wasn't always the best with knowing what to do in situations like this. I couldn't blame him, I didn't even know what to do. 

"Okay," I smiled.

I still wasn't sure what he meant about good intentions. Did either of us have any intentions with each other as it is?

No matter what was to happen I think Liam and I were going to be okay. I know he wouldn't like it if anything happened, but he'd deal with it. One way or another. I wasn't even sure if anything real was going to come out of it. It was just one kiss.

One electrifying kiss.

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