Chapter 26

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Kadance's POV

The past few days have been weird since my talk with Blayne. I had expected things to be weird due to them finding out about Mason, but that doesn't seem to bother the guys. On the other hand, Blayne's confession about his Jared and Jace's feelings have made things weird. Jared, Jace and Blayne have barely said anything to me, and it's really starting to bother me. At times, I feel like I am being suffocated by the tension in the room. I'm lost in my thought thinking about everything that has happen in my life, when Dylan brings me back to reality.

"Penny for your thoughts, sweet cheeks?" He flirts.

"Huh? Where is everyone?" I ask noticing that Dylan is the only person in the room with me.

"They went to get something to eat and left me to babysit you."

"I don't need a babysitter, Dylan. There are plenty of nurses and doctors that can help me if I need something." I say clenching my jaw.

"I'm just messing with you, Kadance. Don't get your panties twisted into a ball."

"Then why are you here and not getting something to eat with everyone else?"

"I'm here because you look like you needed a friend to talk too with the revelation that three guys have feelings for you."

"And you think I would talk to you?" I ask him, giving him a puzzled look.

"Yea, I do. You may not realize this, but there's more to me than what meets the eye." He winks.

"Sorry, Dylan." I say for judging him. "I'm sure there is more to you than just being a player. You just don't seem like the talking type."

"Well, surprise, surprise because I am. I want to help you. You don't really have girl friends to discuss things like this with." Changing his voice to sound girly and high pitch, "So come on girlfriend let's gossip."

I stare at him with amazement before we both burst out into laughter. "Okay. Okay. We can talk, Dylan. I'm guessing you know that Blayne told me how he feels for me. Well, he also told me how Jared and Jace feel about me, now I don't know how I feel."

"How do you feel about them?"

"I don't know. I mean Jared is a great listener and friend, but we haven't talked much so I don't really feel anything beyond a friendship with him."

"Okay. So, Jared is just a friend, but what about Blayne and Jace?" Dylan says with serious tone.

"I thought I had feeling for Jace, but..."


"But since being around Blayne, I think my feeling for Jace have changed. I love Jace, but I don't think it is in a romantic type of way. He saved me when I was at my lowest. I thought the feelings I had for him were because I like him, but not so much anymore. I do love him, but like family. When Blayne is near me, I feel sparks. I also hate when guys call girls names like princess, but when he calls me princess, I feel special. He makes me feel like I am his whole world. Even when Ryan and I were on good terms I never felt special like I do with Blayne."

"Well my dear, I think you have already made your choice." Dylan says with a huge smile on his face.

"Maybe, but I also don't want to hurt Jared and Jace."

"I think they will understand. Better to let them know soon than string them along. Everyone sees how you and Blayne look at each other. In my opinion, y'all are meant for each other. It's been ages since he has been able to care for someone besides me, Jared, Alex and Kyle."

"Thank, Dylan. You're a decent guy." There really is more than meets the eye with Dylan.

"When I want to be babe. Only when I want to be." He says with a smirk and gives me a hug.

Jared walks in the room and Dylan takes that has his cue to leave. "Can we talk?" Jared asks.

"Umm. Sure." I say nervously already knowing what he wants to talk about.

"So... Where do I begin? I know Blayne told you that I kind of have a crush on you." He looks at me giving me a shy smile. "It's just a crush. I like you. I really do, but honestly, I'm nowhere near ready to be in any type of relationship besides being friends. Meeting you made me realize that I need to work on myself. I have a lot of demons that are from my past that I need to sort out. I was hoping maybe you can help me with that. I feel comfortable talking about my past with you, and that's not normal for me. I don't even feel comfortable talking to the guys about it. So, I was hoping we could be friends, and help each other work through our past together. Is that okay with you?"

"I would love for us to be friends, Jared." He then leans in and gives me a hug.

Soon all the guys come back into my room. The room doesn't have the same tension as it did earlier. Everyone is laughing and joking around. For the first time I realize how lucky I am to have all of them. They don't judge me for my past, they just seem to embrace it and me. The guys continue to joke around, and it amazes me how Jace fits right in with them. The guys are very loud. I'm surprise the hospital hasn't kicked them out yet.

"Hey! Does anyone know when they are going to release me from here?" I yell out over all the guys.

"The doctor said you should be able to go home in about three days." Blayne says. "By home that means you are coming back to live with us. I don't care about what your ex may try to do to us. Jace can stay with us too if he wants."

"Of course, I'm staying will y'all." Jace says. "And Blayne is right, Kadance. You have no choice in the matter. You're staying with them. Well, 'us' since I'm staying there too." He says with a warm smile

"So have no choice in this matter?"

"NO!" They all say in unison.

"Well if I have no choice in then matter, I guess have to stay will y'all." I say with a big grin on my face. I'm glad they want me to stay with them, because I want to stay with them.

"So are y'all planning on staying her all night or are y'all going to go home?" I ask all the guys.

"We're staying. All of us." Kyle says while going through the channels on the small television.


"Let's just say I didn't give them a choice." Kyle says as he winks as me.

"What did you do?" I ask while giving him a stern look.

"Nothing that your pretty little head needs to worry about." He says as he pats me on the head like a pet.

"You didn't threaten anyone did you?" Instead of answering me, he shushes me and puts on Mona. This is the funniest thing I've ever seen. Six scary, tough, so called 'bad boys' watching Mona. They sing and dance throughout the entire movie. These are not teenage boys, they're little school girls watching Disney movie. I should have recorded them.

After the movie everyone falls asleep. I start to doze off too feeling happy until the door to my hospital room opens. "Kadance! Oh, how I've missed you."


A/N: Here is your second update for today. If you are enjoying the story, vote and comment! KJ<3

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