Chapter 24

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Kadance's POV


I remember that sound. The smell. Mason?

"Mason! Mason? Mason?" I scream feeling hot tears roll down the side of my face.

"Kadance? Kadance? Wake up." I hear a familiar voice. Blayne?

I open my eyes and find myself surrounded by Blayne, Jared, Jace, Kyle, Alex and Dylan. I start crying. The smell and the noise of the hospital reminds me of the first time I saw Mason.

"Kadance, you're okay." Jace says while rubbing my back.

"Why am I here?"

"You took off in my car and had an accident. The doctor said you will be okay. You have a broken leg and two broken ribs." Blayne says, but he won't look me in the eyes. There's a weird tension in the room.

"Why are y'all acting strange?"

Kyle looks at me sadly, "We have a couple of questions for you, but you have to be honest, Kadance."

"Umm... okay." I say hesitantly.

"The nurse said you had a c-section. Do you have a child? And who is Mason? You woke up screaming his name."

I look at the six guys standing around me and I know that I need to tell them truth. I need to finally tell them everything.

"Okay. I will tell you, but on one condition. No one interrupts me. You let me finish and then you can ask questions." They all nod their heads in agreement. "Everything I told you before is still the truth. I didn't lie about anything. I... I just didn't tell y'all everything. Ryan started raping me when I was thirteen and I ended up pregnant. We had a son, Mason, who was born six weeks early. I had a c-section because the cord was wrapped around Mason's neck three times and it was cutting of his oxygen supply. Ryan and his family blamed it on me, and at first, we weren't sure if Mason was going to make it. Mason did make it thankfully. When Mason came home from the hospital things were better between me and Ryan at first, but he quickly changed back to his old way. He was worse this time though. He started using Mason against me. He would tell me I was an unfit mother and that he could get another girlfriend who would be a better mother to Mason. He started locking me in my room and wouldn't let me see Mason for days. The beatings were getting to the point where I thought he would kill me. I couldn't bare seeing him bring other girls around Mason letting them hold him and take care of him while I was treated like a prisoner. I wasn't allowed near my own son. I was falling into a deep depression and I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to die. The day I found the opportunity to run, I did. I wanted to take Mason, but I couldn't. I couldn't even take care of myself. How was I supposed to take care of an almost one year old? I was on the streets for a while before Jace even found me. I never wanted to leave Mason, but I didn't have a choice. If I could somehow get him back I would. Ryan would never hurt Mason. Ryan and his family love Mason, but they would and will hurt me, which is why I ran. His birthday is November 21st. That's is why my depression gets bad around that time. I want to see Mason again, but I haven't seen him in over two years. He wouldn't even recognized me. The last time I saw him was before he turned one and now, he's three. I'm sorry for not telling y'all, and I understand if y'all want nothing to do with me. Hell, I want nothing to do with myself. I am a poor excuse for human being." Tears continue to fall down my face and I can no longer look any of the guys in the face. I don't want to see their disappointment in me.

"Kadance, I don't hate you, and I'm not upset with you." Jace say while lifting my chin up so that I am looking him in the eyes. "You've been through hell and did what you had to do. I get that you are scared. I just wish you would have told me so that you didn't have to go through it all alone."


"Yes. I care about you. I really do." Jace says while hugging me.

All the guys say the same thing and start giving me hugs except for Blayne. He stays quiet and just stares at me. I can't read his emotions and for some reason, I feel hurt that he hasn't said anything. I don't know why, but I seem to care about his opinion the most.

Blayne's POV

I'm going to kill that bastard. He hurt her. He broke her. Here I was thinking that maybe she just didn't care about her child. How could I think like that? I am ashamed of myself. She wants her son. It's been over two fucking years since she has seen him. I don't see how she does it. Most people in her position would have given up a long time ago, but not Kadance. She is strong. She stubborn. She's the love of my life and I can't stand to see her hurting. She may not feel the same way I do, but I am going to help her in any way I possibly can. I know Jace and Jared have feelings for her too, but I will do anything in this world to make her mine.

"Can I talk to Kadance in private for a moment please?" I ask the guys. They nod their heads in agreement and leave the two of us alone.

She looks at me and wipe the tears away from her eyes. "Princess?"

"Are you mad at me?" She whispers.

"Of course not." I say while carefully hugging her. "I need to tell you somethings and it may cause some problems, but I need to say it."

She looks at me with tears in her eyes still. "Okay."

"I don't know where to start, but I like you. Hell... I love you and yes, I said love. The problem is there's two other guys that also have feeling for you. I know it's not my place to tell you, but I want you know so that you have all the information before you make any type decision. Jace... well he loves you, and I don't mean in a big brother little sister way. I truly believe that Jared also has feelings for you. I just wanted you know that. Princess, I don't know what you're do to me, but you have changed me. I feel happiness when I'm around. I can't stand the thought of you not being around me, but I also can't stand the thought of you not being happy. I will do everything in my power to make you happy, even if that means you not being with me. Princess, I want you to be mine, but I don't want you answer right now. I want you to think about it and once your mind is clear let me know. No matter what your answer is, I will still be by your side. Oh, and Mason should be proud to call you his mommy. You're strong and you do whatever you have too to protect those around you. You are one of a kind, Princess." I kiss her head before walking out of the room. "Get some rest, Princess."

I walk outside of Kadance's room to find two guys glaring at me. Jared and Jace. Rubbing the back of my neck, "How much of that did y'all hear?" I nervously laugh.

"Way more than we should have." Jared says.

"You know, it's not unusual for people to confess their love to someone, but I've never heard of someone confessing their love plus confess that two other people also love the person that they just confess their love too. You're a strange one, Blayne, but I give you credit. You could have just said that only you love her and had her just like that." Jace says with a smile.

"Yeah, well It's only fair that she knows that the two of you have feeling for her too."

"Blayne, I really care for her, but if she wants you, you have my blessing." Jared says while patting me on the back.

Jared walks off to get a coffee with Kyle giving me and Jace a chance to speak alone. "Sorry for telling her that you love her."

"It's okay. At least you had the guts to tell her. I should have told her a long time ago. I love her. I really do, but I don't know if I the right guy for her. I wish I could give up everything for her, but I can't. I will always be hanging around the wrong crowd and getting into trouble. She needs something stable. If she does choose you, don't you dare hurt her. If you hurt her, I will hurt you."

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