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2 weeks later

"Guys we're leaving!" I yell as Asher and I walk out of the door for our doctor appointment to check on the baby. Asher is super excited because this is the first appointment he gets to go to. As soon as we arrived we checked in and sat in the waiting room. Soon enough my name was called and we walked into the room. I sat on the table chair thingy and Asher stood next to me.

"Nice to see you again Cassidy. And it's a pleasure to meet you..." the doctor says as she shakes Asher's hand.

"Asher." He says with a slight smile.

"Okay So Cassidy I'm going to ask you a few questions before we look at the baby. So first, how have you been feeling since last time I saw you? I know your morning sickness had been very bad." I nod.

"The morning sickness has been a lot better, I still get sick a few times every week but I don't feel ill."

"Great! The first trimester is the worst with the sickness so your doin really well. Okay next, have you smoked, drinking alcohol,or eaten or drinking something you shouldn't have since you found out you were pregnant?" I shake my head.

"Nope. My friends have been keeping an eye on me." I say with a slight laugh because it's funny how protective they all are.

"That's good. Last question is for both of you, are there any serious medical or mental disabilities or conditions that run in either of you families?" I look at Asher.

"Nothing serious but my sister and mom have bad anxiety and so does Cassidy." Asher says I nod in agreement.

"Okay, well since it runs in born of your families I have to tell you that it is likely to pass down to the child but nothing serious at all so it's nothing to worry about. I would just be happy that nothing serious runs in the family that could cause harm o the baby." We both nod in understanding.
"Okay well, Cassidy I'm going to have you roll up your shirt to above your belly button and we can have a look at the baby. I do as she says and Asher crouches down to my height anxious to see our baby appear on the little black monitor. The doctor runs a blue gel in my exposed stomach and moves a wand around until a dot appears on the screen.

"Alright there it is, you are 8 weeks or 2 months pregnant which means you have one month left in your first trimester and the fetus is the size of a jelly bean." She says printing out A LOT of pictures of the baby. We talk for a little bit before walking back to our car. Once we get in and buckled Asher looks at me with a big smile on his face. I raise an eyebrow.


"Can I see the picture of Jelly Bean please?" He asks like a little child. We decided to call the baby jelly bean until we know the gender and wrap hat to actually name it. I laugh and hand him one of the pictures. He holds it close to his face and examines it, the smile never leaving his face. After a few minutes we drive home where everyone is anxiously awaiting our arrival. We laugh as everyone attacks us as soon as we walk through the door. They were all asking SO many questions so I just told them to shut up and sit down. They did and I pulled out the large stack of pictures, handing one to speech of them. They all gasped as they saw the little baby in my belly.

"That's our baby Jelly Bean." Asher says matter of factly rocking back and forth on his feet with his hand clutched behind his back.

"Jelly Bean?"

"The baby is the size of a jelly bean so until we ha e a real name, we shall call it Jelly Bean." They all liked the idea and continued asking a ton of questions. I sighed and out my hands up signaling for them to stop.

"The baby is doing great, I'm doing great, the baby is two months old which means I only have to deal with morning sickness for another month." I earn a 'woohoo' from Riley.
"We go back again in two months on December 19 to find out the gender and the estimated due date is March 16th." They all nod in satisfaction.

"I can't wait!" Brent yells. Everyone agrees with him as I hug Asher's side. Neither can I.

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