The Plan

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'I got a plan.'

Mark and I discussed it for a while working the kinks out and what we could do to surprise Seán.
'It will take some time.' Mark state. I nodded looking over at him.
'It will patch up your friendship up hopefully and bring us all closer..'

It made Mark smile this time. I'm sure he couldn't wait for his old friend.

Mark and I agreed on a few dates and parted ways. I sat in the car thinking more about the topic we discussed about.. Pulling out my phone I discovered Seán sent me a few messages.
He must have sent them when Mark and I were talking.. I forgot to turn my flash back on..

I read through them all..
Jackaboi: Hey Y/n!
Jackaboi: Sorry I left early..
Jackaboi: You're not mad are you?
Jackaboi: was the date bad?

I smile at his worry and message him back.
You: Sorry! I was hanging out with Ethan
You: i don't mind that you left and the date was wonderful 😁

If I want for this plan to work on going to need this to stay a secret between Mark and I.

Jackaboi: Ah tell him I said hi
You: Will do
I nervously sigh and drive home.


Over time Mark and I executed our plan flawlessly. It took some time out of Seán and my dates but I'm sure this will be worth it.

Now It has been over a year or so since we've executed the plan however the hardest part of putting the plan into play is that Seán moved back to Ireland.

Family needed him back there so he comes back every so often to see me and to conventions. Seán offers to bring me back every time but I want it to be perfect.

So now, we have exactly a week before Seán comes up for PAX and exactly a day before my big surgery. I have a great feeling about the plan and how it could turn out.


Visiting Mark again as he too packs we practice our session. He faced me as he placed clothes into his case and started talking.

'umm... You want.. a slice of pizza!' I jumped out of the chair I was sitting in pointing at Mark happily.
He nodded saying I was right. 'Now you say it.'

I huffed. It was harder to try and say it without knowing if I say it right.
Mark always convinced me I say them very close that it's knowledgeable. But as I practice on Ethan I'm not so sure.

"I wont ah slice ov pizzah." I enunciated every word, mouth working slowly but watching Mark as he helped me sound it out.

'Again.' Mark signed.

"I wont ah slice ov pizzah." I said faster.

'Loud and proud'

"I wont ah slice ov pizzah!!" I cried out swinging my arms back laughing along with Mark. Mark began clapping, smiling at me.

'You'll do great.'


Mark waited with me in the waiting room with a camera at the ready talking away and holding it up to my face.

I made a bunch of faces at it and at him making him laugh.
'you ready for it?' Mark signed to me.

I shrugged, nervous. They called me back and I was under for about 3 and a half hours while they inserted the receiver in and stitched me back up.

I was placed back in a room along with Mark so we could test how the operation went and how much the hearing was amplified.

The doctor first did a snapping test.
I didn't hear really anything from it...
He then showed me how I should place the external device on.

As he showed me I placed it on for myself. Mark was sitting in the chair across watching giddily. As I put the implant in I was hit with a loud ringing noise.
I cried out in pain and the doctor was at my side reassuring me it was part of the process.

The ringing went away after it was set in correctly and I had both in the doctor repeat the snapping test. I heard very little. But that very little was enough to make me tear up.

Mark this time put his hand up and lean forward, camera in hand facing me still.
And in the faintest of words I heard "Can you hear me?"


At this time stamp it shows what it's like to put a Cochlear Implant one. I have never worn one so this is a second hand experience. I apologise.

But I do recommend this video. It is long but shows so much about the deaf community.
Mikey Mae.//

Voice (Jacksepticeye x Deaf!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now