Text Messages

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Sean's smile could be seen clear as day as I left him at the school.
I hope we can count on him.

You- Sean?

Sean- And this may be?

You-(y/n). from the school tour.


You eyed the message. Could I be wrong about this..?

Sean- sorry, from the way you were acting at the tour I was sure you'd toss it.

I wasn't that harsh was I?

You- there's reasons for that but no need to explain them now.

You- you had questions? I have answers?

Sean and I messaged each other all night till the next morning for his research on his sponsorship. Eventually we ran out of topics and Sean said he would promote it as much as possible on his Livestream.

You- livestream?

Sean- haha, yeah Ill talk about it live with over millions of people. They enjoy watching me.

You- I can't imagine that.

Sean- I'm sure you watch someone on YouTube!

I reread the message. YouTube. This man has no money! He's going to scam us like the rest!

You- forget about this crap.

Sean- wha

You- I can't take another person attempting to scam the school out of money. So you can take all the information you gathered and shove it.

I tossed my phone, aggravated as ever. It kept flashing, message after message. I wish it would stop.

I got myself up, made some coffee and started my morning routine. I'll just have to fit a nap in some other time.

Driving back down to the school with a bunch of built in anger didn't help my concentration at all. I missed a few stop signs and almost a red light.

Deep breath.

It should get better.

I got to the school on time, however I was met with a baggy eyed leprechaun waiting out front.

I parked my car and walked past him. His mouth was moving but I barely acknowledged it. I kept walking to the classroom.

Sean then grabbed my hand and made me stop. I looked at him with anger ready to spill out, but he had the same look.

One of the teachers came out and saw the dispute and told/signed to us to break it up and get to class.

Sean let go of me, but not before signing 'talk later' and walked out.

Voice (Jacksepticeye x Deaf!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now