EYEth Livestream

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Jackaboi- I have a surprise for you tomorrow!

I shook my head and pointed to the message about school. Seán waved it off and smiled like a child. I guess I have no way out of this.

Seán left soon after leaving me to rest. It didn't seem to last however. Seán and I had talked for about 3 hours not caring about the barrier between us.

It was about 1.am when he finally did leave. I was exhausted but Seán seemed to have all his energy in tacked. I hope he's like this for the surprise tomorrow.

What could he be surprising me with anyway? It's too early in our friendship to know each other?

I shrug it off and attempt to sleep the rest of my four hours.


Getting myself ready was more difficult than usual. I didn't want to get up. The snooze button must have been hit at least, 4 times until I realized I was going to be late. I hopped out of bed and flung clothes on and ran out.

I checked my phone before starting my car.

Jackaboi- Where are you??

I looked at the messaged confused but wrote him back.

You- I'm going to school remember? I didn't make any plans right?

I set the phone down and drove to the school. I saw the phone flash again but I ignored it.

Arriving at the school, I seen many people surrounding the place. They had all kinds of signs ranging from PMA, EYEth and.. JackSepticEye? What even are those? Why are there so many people?

I finally found a parking spot and walked in to the school through the back. I checked my phone again.

Jackaboi- Nope!! no plans

Jackaboi- Just the surprise.

Another message appeared, It was Mark.

Mark-  You still go to school right?

I conformed it and told him where I went. Mark messaged back with a link to a JackSepticEye Livestream. It was offline but the title was, JackSepticEye's Charity Livestream!!

The description had a link to my school, Pins to an EYEth pin with a green eye and a 'th' at the end. This, JackSepticEye, had much to talk about referring to the deaf community.

I wonder who he is.

You- Who is this JackSepticEye?

A hand grabbed my arm and I jumped. Looking over I see Seán with a bubbly smile and a.. camera..? I looked between the to, pointing to the camera and asked why?

He took his phone out and messaged me.

Jackaboi- You don't mind being recorded do you?

I rolled my eyes.

You- Is that the surprise?

He waved his hand as to say, kind of. I nodded agreeing to the recording and Seán smiled.

'Follow me.' He signed and walked of to a makeshift room that wasn't there before.

I tapped on him so he'd look at me. 'Sean. School.' I can't miss this.

Seán nodded and walked over to one of the administrators and talked to them. I sigh and watch. The administrator nodded, and walked to me.

'You agreed to be filmed correct?' She asked. I nodded, confused. She continued. 'You can help Sean raise money for us for credit for the day.'

I smiled and nodded to her. 'I will make a lot!' I signed enthusiastically.

As she left, Seán bounced towards to me with a thumbs up. 'Good?' I nodded. He showed me to my seat to the makeshift room. There was a laptop, camera, and snacks.. lots of snacks. I laughed, Seán looked at me with a smile.

'Ready?' He signed.  I grabbed one of his snacks and nodded, munching on it. Seán turned the camera on and began talking.

I watched his face as he talked. Seán was so energetic and happy. My phone went off and I checked it.


I rolled my eyes and looked at the camera, 'Hey Mark' I signed awkwardly. How do they do this.

Mark blew my phone up and apparently Seán's as well.

Seán looked at his phone, then to mine. He tilted his head back in a sigh and threw it forward, yelling at the camera.

I laugh at his reaction to Mark and waved to him, 'Lucky I'm deaf.'

Seán laughed and continued to talk into the camera. He pointed to me for a brief moment and smiled. I looked at him offended. Seán seen my reaction and smiled, Possibly repeating himself, into the camera. 'This is (Y/N). They are deaf.'

I waved into the camera again smiling. 

Seán began to over exaggerate his motions so I could understand some. He brought a pen and paper so we could understand each other. He also was going to be learning more sign as well as play games with me.

After he finished his statement, Seán smiled, showing me his laptop. It was a live-feed of both Seán and I as well as a chat. The chat was going wild, messaging plenty of things such as; TOO CUTE, I ship it, KISS KISS KISS.

 The chat was going wild, messaging plenty of things such as; TOO CUTE, I ship it, KISS KISS KISS

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//So if you don't know what EYEth is. It is Earth but what a deaf people call their world. People with hearing get EARth because they hear with there ears. Deaf people get EYEth because they hear with their eyes. Hope that helped.

Also, my art of the JSE Live-Stream logo?? idk


Voice (Jacksepticeye x Deaf!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now