small beginning

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I wanted to open my eyes, but before I could he stopped, the weight shifted off the bed, and I felt a gust of wind indicating a door was shut.

My heart was pounding out of my chest. I finally released a breath I was holding for so long.

He was so close.. 

I opened my eyes to see sunlight. Blinded, I roll over and hug the pillows and blankets.

It smells of him..

I get up and stretch, taking a look around. Seán's room was pretty average from what I'd expected.

I finally leave his room and I'm hit with a bitter smell.

Following the scent, I met Seán in the kitchen scrolling through his phone and eating a donut.

I stood in the doorway. Admiring.

Seán look up and smiled at me. 'Good morning.' I give him a soft wave in return and his smile brightens more. 'Want coffee? Donuts?' he asks.

I answer him and join Seán in relaxing by the counterside. 'You know more sign today.'

Seán shakes his head and reveled the app he was looking at. An ASL app..

'Don't need me as your teacher do you?' I teasingly pout. He laughs shaking his head again.

'No, I love you as a teacher.' 

I blush waving it off. 'Okay okay.' I check the time. 7:37. 'I got to go home and change then get to school.'

Seán sets the coffee cup down. 'I'll drop you off.' He signs bouncing into his bedroom to change.

I sigh. I'm never getting anywhere with this... adorable man.

Seán and I walked together to my house. Seán was bouncing around me, repeating all the signs I gave him.

As we arrived at my house, Seán waited outside. I changed as fast as I could and ran outside.

Seán held his arm out, and I questioned him. 'Hold my arm-' He stops short looking down with a slight tint at his cheeks. 'If you want to.'

With last night and this morning.. why not?

I gripped his arm gently and nodded. 'Lets go.'

As we arrived at my school, he released me from the cloud I was riding on but not before giving me a hug. Before letting me go I felt a gentle peck on my cheek.

I felt my cheek as I look back into the blue eyes of his. Seán's face was beet red but he smiled at me to see if it was okay.

Uncontrollably, I smiled. Rubbing at the spot he kissed. Seán returned the bright smile and ran back the way we came. Waving childishly as he did.

Voice (Jacksepticeye x Deaf!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now