chapter 39: i see you too

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Everyone in my class is up on their feet and out the door before the final bell even rings, breaking for the end of school. The last day of high school for some, the last day of being fresh meat for others. And for me, it's the last year with my brothers at the same school as me. Everything is about to change.

And I'm okay with it.

This year has been weird among other things. When I started in September, it felt like my world was falling apart. My family in disarray. I fell in love this year, a love that I screwed up because of my own stubbornness but it also led me to grow. From the person I was last year, to this new one. A confident one, and I somehow feel closer to her and everyone else.

After completely falling apart, I picked myself up after some wise words and put myself back together with more determination than ever. I no longer feel like I'm living in a glass box, living with labels on me that force me down just one path. I'm so much more than that.

And it's all thanks to Felix.

He saw me when no one else did, not even myself and if one thing comes from this year. It's not my parents working out their problems, or Greyson finding his own dreams. Or the twins growing. It's learning that it's okay to just be Stevie Alexander.

Weather I'm Luke Alexander's daughter. Or football legend, turned musician Greyson Alexander's sister. Future doctor, Riker's sister. Or kickass artist Isaac's sister.

Or weather I'm just me. It's okay to be just that, and he taught me that. To stop looking at the labels, to stop letting them hold me back or distract myself with them.

"Stevie!" Isla shouts from the end of the hall when she spots me, driving everyone in the junior's hall attention towards us but instead of hiding from it – I embrace it.

"Isla!" I laugh with just as much enthusiasm as she, Robyn and Miles join me at my locker. "This feels slightly like déjà vu."

Robyn rolls her eyes at us, before looking over at me as she leans into the locker next to me. "I see you're back to your sunshiney self, finally."

"Yeah," I nod with a smile as I undo the buttons to the short sleeve button up striped shirt I'm wearing, pulling it out of the waistband of my destroyed high waist capri jeans. "I've decided to embrace my heartbreak."

"Well, it looks good on you," she smiles as I tuck the shirt into my bag and adjust the spaghetti straps of the white tank top I wear underneath with tiny black flowers.

"So, you're just going to let Felix go?" Isla questions. "After everything?"

"I never said that," I say with a small smile, tucking the strap of my bag over my shoulder before adjusting the half updo in my hair. "But first, yearbooks."

"Wait!" Isla grabs my arm before I can finish moving. "What's your plan?"

"It's not a plan," I tell her. "It's more of an apology."

"An apology?" Miles asks.

"Yeah, I said some things I shouldn't have and I just...I need to apologize to him," I explain, though I have no idea what I want to say yet. "Can you believe this is our last year walking down this hall as juniors? We're going to be seniors next year!"

"I know," Robyn grins, lopping her arm through mine. "The world's our oyster."

"Something like that," I laugh as we find the line to yearbooks. "It's going to be so odd without Riker and Isaac around next year."

"Awe, yeah," she frowns and leans her head on my shoulder. "You'll still have us though, boo. Always and forever."

My lips curl up into a grin as we approach the table, Lena and Mika handing the hard cover books I took part in creating. When Lena sees me, her eyes light up and her lips curl up into a big grin.

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