chapter 24: everything

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A few hours later, I wake up with a smile on my face. The lingering feeling of Felix's lips against mine still there as I bring my fingertips up to my bottom lip, running them over it as I squeeze my eyes shut. I did it. I went on a date with Felix and I'm glad I did. He's making an impact on me. A big one and I'm not scared of it anymore. I'm excited to see what comes next for me. For us. He's coated every inch of my mind, something I'm constantly thinking about. About his lips. His eyes. His voice.


Sitting up on my elbows, I lean over to the nightstand and grab my phone off the charger. Not a single text message or phone call from my mom. Just a few from Riker asking where I am and if I need him to cover for me. And of course, the additions to my group chat with Robyn and Isla demanding to know every detail.

best night ever


Before I even have a chance to type out a response, my phone is buzzing from Robyn calling me. As I hit the green button on the screen, I bring the device up to my ear and I'm immediately pestered with questions from both her and Isla, who's on the three way call with us.

"Where did he take you?" Robyn asks at the same time Isla demands the same thing her text asks, to tell her absolutely everything.

"Okay, okay! Slow down," I laugh. "I'll tell you."

Static fills the earpiece as they silence themselves, settling down so I can talk without needing to talk over them. A small chuckle leaves my lips as I realize just how ridiculous my life has gotten since the start of school. The summer me would have never believed that this is how the year was going to turn out.

"The anticipation is killing us, Vee!" Isla whines into the receiver and I know her face is scrunched up as she says it.

"Agreed," Robyn says, but her voice is calmer than Isla's.

The usual reaction I get from them. The excitably Isla and the calmer, relaxed Robyn. They balance each other and I'm never more grateful than I am in these moments. When we're too excited to contain ourselves and their constant support through my soap opera of a life.

"It was seriously perfect," I exhale truthfully. "He got his teammates to set up this picnic for us on this secluded part of the beach. It was literally just us and we ate pizza and talked. It wasn't so much pressure, it was simple and sweet and amazing."

"Does that mean he's getting a second?"

"Yes, absolutely," I nod as I sit up, leaning back into my head board. "We fell asleep watching the stars."

"Wait, fell asleep?" Isla asks. "What time did you get home?"

I swallow as I rub my hand over my collar, moving my fingers towards the pendants on my necklace. I squeeze the sharp edges of the birds between my fingers and exhales softly. "Close to six."

"Oh my god, how are you not dead? My mom would have killed me," Robyn gasps.

"She doesn't know," I tell them. "Riker covered for me."

"Seriously?" Isla asks.

I hum, "I had no idea. I fully expected to come home to my mom furious with me but when I got up to my room, Riker was there covering for me."

Even without seeing her, I know Robyn is shaking her head. She's never gotten along with her siblings, not the way I do with my brothers and I think a small part of her is desperate to have the bond we do.

"Unbelievably! My brother would throw me to the wolves if I ever did that."

"My brothers actually like me, Robby," I laugh lightly, teasing her. "I didn't ask him to do it. He just did."

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