(18) Junior Year Starts

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Two days before her first day of school she got her license Bucky drove down and took a selfie with her as he kissed her cheek as he stood behind her as she held her license. Bucky took her out to dinner to celebrate to TGI Friday's then he took her home.

He said "I gotta get back baby doll I've got practice in the morning."

"I know but I'll be up this weekend." she said

"By the way I got you something for your car so you can find me." he said as he reached in his back seat and hands her a Walmart bag. She opens the bag and she pulled out a "Garmin" box and she said "You got me a GPS for my car."

"I did. Come here." he said as they got out of his truck. He opened up the passenger side of her jeep and set up her GPS in her car. He put his address in and saved it to her favorites and put her home address in it as a favorite as well.

"Thank you." she said

"But still call me so I know you are safe." he said as he shut the door to her jeep.

"Okay." She said

"Be safe please.." he said

"I will geez." she said

"Don't you get sassy with me I worry about you." he said

She smiled and kissed his cheek "Thank you for tonight. You are the best thing ever." she said

He kissed her forehead and said "You are the best. I'll see you this weekend baby doll. I'll call you when I get to campus."

"Okay " she said.

"Congrats baby doll." he said as he got in his truck and blew her kiss and she blew one back.

Two days later she drove herself to school she pulled into the student parking lot and got her back pack out. She was nervous she felt her phone buzz to see a text from Bucky.

"Don't be nervous baby doll you deserve this. You are beautiful wonderful and smart don't let anyone tell you any different doll baby call me when you get done and tell me about your day. Miss you doll baby and have a good first day"

She smiled and replied back to him.

"Thank you about to walk in. I'll call you when at the end of the day."

He was laying in bed and smiled at his phone. "I miss you so much doll baby." he whispered as he looked at the picture by his bed of them on the boat in Cabo.

He got up and got ready for the day he ate his breakfast then went to the campus bookstore with his schedule to get his books for his classes. After he did that he went to his football weight training practice. He went back to his dorm and took a nap he woke up to the sound of his phone vibrating and he sees Chloe's face on the screen of her selfie she took on his phone with a kissy face.

"Hello.." he said half asleep.

"Were you sleeping? It's 330" she said as she had her phone on speaker with her phone holder in the air vent holding it.

"Yeah I took a nap after I had my weight training earlier. What are you doing?' he said

"Leaving school." she said

"Please tell me that you aren't holding your phone." he said

"No I got a phone holder that connects to my pop socket. So you are on speaker phone." she said

My Best Friend's SisterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora