Every moment of your life is a second chance

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Hello my lovelies sorry for the delay. I haven't gotten the energy to even write to be honest. Being in at home is boring but outdoors isn't anymore fun.
I was bored so I wrote and send out a chapter for you guys the rest are pre-written. Anyway I hope you all are staying safe and healthy, wear your masks please you are not immune no one is 💕.

As always partially edited 😅

Guest staring Selena Gomez as Krystal

A week later Leo called me again. I've been ignoring him since that night and I can't shake this nagging feeling in my gut that I needed to speak to him. So I did.

Funny story though. We - well I did - came to a conclusion that we should date on a trial run basis. Why you may ask? I have no freaking idea, it was a spur in the moment type of thing.

That same night Leo invited me to the movies. Trent hasn't spoken to me since then. He's be avoiding me, if he sees me coming he'll got the opposite direction. If we coincidentally bump into each other in the street, I'm a completely stranger. He hates me.

Trent's is the only guy friends  I have. I consider him as my best friend. I'm slowly regretting the deal I made with Leo. Wholeheartedly.

"You okay babe?" Leo asked kissing me on the forehead. We were snuggled up under a warm blanket at his apartment enjoying reruns on MTV.

"Yeah I'm good baby"

The next day, on my way to the office to take headshots for my modeling portfolio, I saw Trent with his arm around a girl's shoulder. She was a brunette, tall, slim and extremely curvy. From the back she had an huge ass.

"So that's the type of women he likes?" I scoffed heading in the same direction. They stopped by the elevator, I couldn't hear what they were whispering about but she giggled. I knew that laugh.

She unconsciously glanced over her shoulder shooting me a warm smile, immediately she did a double take turning around fully.

"Omg hey Kay" Krystal smiled warmly hugging me tightly. I wish I could hate her but she's so sweet. One of the nicest people I ever met.

"Hey Krystal how are you?" Trent watched us, mostly me, as my friend and I gracefully dove into charming conversation.

Five minutes in...

"Ahemmm" Trent cleared his throat breaking the conversation. It suddenly became awkward.

We stood in silence as the elevator rose higher and higher to the 13th floor.

Are they really together or he was just being nice?

They haven't even tried to get cute or anything since we stepped foot inside. Am I being delusional?

A small smile sprouted on my lips, I quickly bit it back to mask it.

"You're such a buzz kill T-ooh we're here. See you later babe!" She gave a quick peck to his lips before rushing out. 

My smile faded immediately. Ouch, well that hurt.

I watched Trent awaiting a reaction from him, a glance. Nothing, he just stared at the floor.

"Right. Message received"

"Kay come on!" Krystal motioned over already undressing for her photoshoot for Elle magazine.

I exited the elevator head held high.

"Kay wait-" the doors dinged as I paused in tracks. Everyone turned around, including Krystal.

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