Chapter 24~ I'm an adult??

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All 6 friends go back to Izzy's house for a very last minute, but fun party. I mean Izzy's an adult now, which is crazy.
"Mom! Mom! Can we have a sleepover pleasssseeeee," pleads Izzy with her puppy dog eyes.
"But it's a Tuesday night...," replies Izzy's mom.
"But I'm eighteen, you can't treat me like a kid anymore," says Izzy.
"But you have to finish high school tommorrow."
And they keep arguing like that until finally Izzys mom gives in.
"Fine, but this is the only time I will let you do something like this."
"Just don't stay up too late..."
"We won't," Izzy turns to her friends, "guys we're having a sleepover!!!!"
"Yeeeeee," says Autumn.
"Yep! We're going to watch a movie and eat popcorn until we fall asleep, and the last one to fall asleep gets to draw a mustache on everyone!"
"We're in!" everyone says together.
"Great! Let's do this," says Izzy, "Mmmmoooommmmmm, can you help us make popcorn.... please."
"Only because you said please," she says as she winks at Bella, and Bella rolls her eyes like a typical teenage 18-year-old.

"Alright, let's choose a movie!" Says Bella excitedly, "we have a crime show, a disney movie, ooo myth busters, ummmm WAIT we should totally watch this one," Bella says as she holds up the movie, "it's about a family moving across the country to live away from their crazy relatives. I don't think I've ever seen this one, this could be interesting."

"Alright Bella!! The popcorn is ready," says Izzys mom as she starts walking over to hand them their bowl of popcorn, "wait, what is that rated?"
"Oh, ok. Go ahead, I'm going to be in my room if you need me."
"K, byeeeee."
"So is this the one guys?"
"Yes!" Says Sierra agreeing for everyone.
"Alright! I'm going to grab some blankets and a sharpie; you guys can all put your pjs on and get ready."
Yep, they have their pjs still here from the last party, as it was planned to be a sleepover as well.... except Paige and Grace, but they're cats so... they all get ready and settle down on the couch, with their popcorn, to watch the movie.

After 30 minutes, everyone is doing well... sleepwise, but it got to a sad part, so now everyone is crying.

One hour later, Sierra and Autumn are the first to fall asleep.

Then, after about 20 more minutes everyone starts laughing and Paige has fallen asleep.

Grace, Izzy, and Amber are still awake. Who will win? Then, it gets to an "action" scene and everyone is wide awake.

"Will one of you fall asleep already?" Jokes Izzy.
"Nope," Amber and Grace both say.

They continue watching the movie... now it's boring because it's just them on a plane... going to the new place. Amber falls asleep. And, after the movie is almost over, Grace fell asleep too. So, that makes Izzy the winner.

"Yes! I get to draw on everyone now," she whispers as she dances quietly around the room.

So, she draws mustaches, each one different, on everyone. Then, goes to sleep. However, Amber wakes up in the middle of the night and decides to draw one on Izzy too... not sure if it was by accident or on purpose, but then she went back to sleep.

~the next morning~
Izzys mom comes in the room, who, knowing a bunch of teenage girls in one house, figured they wouldn't wake up in time for school because they had stayed up too late, she decided to make breakfast and just have an off day to themselves. Although it was the last day of school, it was fine because Izzy's mom knew her girls were safe and sound. 

"I can't believe my little girl is all grown up and I missed basically half of her life," Izzy's mom said to herself, while crying softly.

Then, there was a knock at the door, whom Izzy's mom had never seen before.

"Who are you?" she asks, calmly. 

"Why, I'm a realtor... are you ready to sell your house ma'am?" he replies, with a smirk on his face.

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