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Athena's POV

I sat on the bed in the room I woke up, reading a romance novel called, 'The Greek Tycoon's Defiant Bride'

Lucifer and Rush had left over two hours ago when Rush announced they had problems.

Lucifer never got to finish his sentence, I really wanted him to, which girl doesn't want a guy telling them that he loves them even though she doesn't feel the same way?

Though I've just met him my feelings are very complicated. I have this really strong connection to him, it's like something in me wants to reach out to him and connect but something else is blocking it.

"Hey" a voice said, breaking me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see the only man that occupied my thoughts.

"Hey" I muttered.

"Are you enjoying the book?" He asked.

"Yes" I replied, even though I couldn't understand one word.

"What is it about?" He questioned.

"Uh.. I'm not sure" I replied.

"I thought so too, you have the book turned upside down" he pointed out amusement swirling in his eyes.

"Oh" I said feeling stupid, a blush painting my pale cheeks as I quickly shut the book placing it on the nightstand beside the bed.

"What was the problem?" I asked desperately trying to change the topic.

"Oh, nothing much, just some rebels trying to steal from some marketers." He muttered.

"This place is very much like earth" I said, "Only with slight differences."

"Yes it is." he said.

"You know I imagined hell to be very cruel, like there would be fire everywhere, darkness, that you would look like a monster and all. I thought this place makes humans pay for the sins they have committed." I said, revealing some of my pent up thoughts.

"That's what hells for, you don't see it though, it's fallen angels that are out there, they are the demons, humans are at the depths of hell getting tortured for their sins" he explained sitting down on the bed, not breaking his gaze away from me.

"Oh well, what will happen to me when I die? I know I'm not the most innocent" I blurted out blushing again when I remembered that not being 'innocent' has another major meaning.

Lucifer growled, "What do you mean not innocent?" He sneered. Was that all he got from what I said? I rolled my eyes and turned away reaching for the book for the second time today, only to be stopped by Lucifer's tight grip on my arm.

"Answer me!" He growled the beast inside him twisting and turning, clawing to get out. I had to calm him down and I had to do it now.

"That's not what I meant!" I yelled.

"Then what did you mean?!" He yelled back.

"I'm still a virgin" I whispered in a low voice, at this age most people would have thought I'd lost my virginity already, back in highschool. It's not that I'm holding onto my virginity like some trophy, it's just that the right guy hasn't come along and I promised myself I'd wait till marriage.

"Oh" Lucifer said his voice finally calmed after what just took place seconds ago.

"Yes and I'm going to take a shower" I announced embarrassed.

"Wait, to answer your question you won't die once we're mates and you bear my mark, you'll become queen and immortal. Sorry babe but your stuck with me forever" he said with that stupid cocky smirk on his lips that I so want to crash my lips on at the moment. Then his words finally hit me, with him forever?!

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