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Athena's POV

I can't believe I forgot about my best friend. 

How could I be so stupid?

She must be worried sick about me, while I'm here eating fried eggs and bacon. I've gotta admit though, these are the best I've ever ate. Anyway I have to call her, I don't even know if they had reception in hell?

"Lucifer?" I called him shyly.

He turned around questioningly, mouth stuffed with fried eggs and bacon strips. He looked cute.

"Can you use phones down here?" I asked timidly, secretly praying in my mind he'd say yes.

"Hmm, it's not the 1600's ya know, not because it's hell, it doesn't mean we're not civilized."

"Can I borrow your phone?"

"Why?" He retorted.

"I need to call my best friend ya know, after some random dude took me she must be worried shitless" I mocked.

"Okay then, but I trust you will not speak about where you are, here" he said, handing me what looked like a brand new iPhone 7.

"Thank you" I muttered, walking towards the pantry, I knocked hearing a muffled voice from the other side.

"Luce, if you came to tease me remember you were the one I first caught imitating Demi, so just backoff, I'm not afraid to say it, my idol rocks and I would shake any booty for her" the guy ranted behind the door. I still don't know his name, I think it's Rish or is it Rush?

I nearly choked when I fully assessed what he said, Lucifer? Demi? I just couldn't imagine.

"It's not Luce it's the girl you helped kidnapped"

I heard the door open then I was swiftly dragged in.

"You did not just hear that." He said then walked past me locking the door behind. 

I rolled my eyes he would be Remi's perfect match. I took a hold of the phone and dialed Remi's number, something I knew by heart. I pressed the phone to my ear and waited, when it rang on the fourth ring and I thought she wasn't going to pick up I heard a groggy dry voice say, "Hello?"

"Remi?" I asked.


"Yes" I breathed, I really missed her.

"Is it really you?"

"Yes it is"

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Where the hell are you? I've been searching for you since last night, I even involved the police who didn't want to get involved because they said you were an adult and probably left, I knew you weren't like that so I continued searching, there was nothing, only your purse in the bathroom of the club. It's like you never left the building I cried Athena I cried and you know I don't cry" she ranted in one breath.

"You're right, you're a tough plank" I joked.

"No time for jokes now answer my question" she ordered.

"I uh I..I don't know where I am, exactly, this buff, sexy, so good looking guy and his friend took me"

"WHAT?!" She exclaimed.

"I know they aren't murderers though nor rapist or any of those things" 

"Thank god." She said, sounding relieved.

"How are you feeling?"


"Why did they take you?" She asked, I didn't know myself.

"I still have no idea, which is why I am going to ask Luce after this conversation" I clarified. 

"I'm glad you're fine, ask him and come back to me and if anything goes wrong kick him in his family jewels and run, wherever you are I'll find you okay?"

I chuckled, "Okay"

"Bye love you"

"Love you too"

I hung up and walked out of the pantry. 

"You done?" Lucifer asked.

"Yes" I said, handing him back his phone.

"Keep it" he ordered.


"Keep it, if you want to call your friend, use it, you aren't leaving anytime soon"

"Why?" I asked.

"Why am I here?" I added annoyed.

"You're here.....because you're my mate."

"Mate? What the hell is that?"


Lucifer sighed, holding his head down for a few seconds as if he were thinking about something. 

I too was thinking about things, about my best friend, my job, and most importantly, what the hell was a mate?

I knew for a fact that it wasn't just the silly meaning friends, it just wouldn't fit well with everything going on.

I knew it was something bigger, something that needs commitment and I was not going to just give everything up to be here, when I have a much attentive life above, not like above above but above yeah, you get me.

Lucifer looked back at me then held my hand worry swirling in his eyes, why was he doing this? Holding my hand, does he not feel the tingles shooting up my arm? Spreading electrical pulses throughout my body.

"I.. I don't know how to say this, but mates are something God made only for his children, not humans but angels and other gods" he said hesitating a bit at the beginning.

"Mates are soul mates" he continued, "Specifically made for each other, to love, care and bring happiness for each other. Everyone has a mate. I was told I wasn't good enough to have one, people say God punished me, that there would be no chance of happiness, fulfilment and joy ever in my life, I would remain the scowling evil king of the underworld that everyone feared. Imagine my surprise when I found you just there in that club" he said slightly raising his voice as he spoke each word.

"I spent centuries looking for you, I was convinced by the thought that I wasn't going to have a mate, ever, but now I can prove everybody wrong because I will have you by my side, you make me the strongest but you will also make me the weakest if you are ever in the grasp of my enemies, I know this is early really early but I think you should know that I lo-"

"Lucifer!" Rush shouted running back into the kitchen.

"We have a problem"

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