Bad Boy [No.14]

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You guys are going above and beyond my hopes for this book.

Seriously I can't thank you enough for all the reads this has been getting lately.

I love you guyssss 😭❤️

Well here's chapter 14!


Second Person P.O.V

You were very frustrated.

Maybe it was the fact that you could most feel something poking at you from underneath- OR maybe it was because you and Yoongi were about to get caught in the midst of hiding an unconscious body. But how does one hide a body that got misplaced? Seriously Yoongi lost him after just having him in his grasp 10 seconds ago and doesn't know where he put him.

The thought of smacking the mintette (not a word) had come to you, but doing that wouldn't be a wise decision right now. More sound would only entice the curiosity of anyone in the hall.

Your breathing hitched when the shadow of a foot was seen under the crack of the door.

"I think it came from in here..."

"I'll bet you $20 you're just insane and there's nothing behind this door."

"I will take that bet."

How nosy can you be?!...

Yoongi's sloppy embrace on your small, shaking figure subconsciously grew tighter when he heard the almost inaudible sound of the door handle twisting. He pulled you in closer by your waist, which sort of soothed your quaking, once he saw the way your legs could've given away their hiding spot. His hand felt warm against the fabric of your dress. A warm that was very comforting, yet still a turn on at the same time.

You bit the inside of your lip, hard. Thoughts like that weren't gonna help in this situation. The door ever so slowly creaked open, in a very eerie manner. You shut your eyes tightly when the shadow of a man stretched across the floor. This was happening too slowly for your liking. The suspense was steadily killing at both of you.

The light from the hall instantly lit up a good part of the room, and Yoongi finally remembered where he threw Baekhyun since it was made clear to anyone who wasn't blind.

Dead in front of the fucking doorway.

I swear to god if we get away with this your ass is DEAD Min Yoongi...You thought.

A short gasp came from the person at the doorway. It was most likely due to seeing Baekhyun's unconscious, bruised up, bleeding form before them. They spoke up, "Oh shit! Yoongi hyung roughed him up bad!"

You were surprised that the person mentioned Yoongi's name like they were close. The guy's voice was oddly familiar. He spoke in an almost amused tone at the position Baekhyun was laying in.

His ass was up in the air and his face dug deep into the carpeting. He looked ridiculous beyond reason.

Namjoon??...Yoongi thought.

"Joon is that you??" He asked.

"Huh?" The purple-haired man's attention was now brought to you from behind the door, "Oh, there you guys are!" He gave the both of you a good view at the adorable dimples at the corners of his mouth.

You let out a breath you hadn't been aware of keeping in until now, glad to know that it was a mutual and not one of Baekhyun's close acquaintances. If it were one of his friends, the two of you would've been in an even tighter spot than before.

You felt Yoongi's entire body relax under your weight as he let out a deep sigh through his nose, and into the depths of your hair. But his hold on you had remained the same.


You try and wiggle out from under his grasp, hoping he'd get the idea that you wanted to be released, but to no avail.

You didn't need to try and hide from anyone anymore. So why didn't he let go?

"I hope we aren't interrupting anything." Namjoon says. He wiggles his eyebrows at the two of you in a teasing manner once he saw how Yoongi had been holding you.

You have it admit, it wasn't exactly an innocent sight. The way he covered your mouth so you couldn't speak and gripped your side like his life depended on it. It was obvious that Namjoon's prurient mind would go to such places at the sight.

"You scared the shit out of us you know?" Yoongi says, glaring at Namjoon, who still had a smirk playing at his lips. He digs his nose into your hair, finding its sweet scent very tranquilizing, "We thought you were one of that dickhead's friends." He finishes, voice muffled by your hair.

Oddly, you found yourself growing gradually tired in Yoongi's arms. Loosing more and more of your consciousness with every breath.

"All jokes aside, Jungkook told us what happened." Namjoon says. Any sign of ever joking was wiped clean off his face as he glanced back at Baekhyun, who was still knocked out.

He seemed to trail off, bringing up a new topic that was a bit confusing to you. "You know how he gets when he sees blood..." He said. The look in his eyes portrayed sadness.

"Did he throw up again?" Yoongi asked, true worry laced within his voice.

"No. But the paramedics insisted on taking him too. They said he..."

The next words from his mouth came out distorted.

You were falling asleep.


All the warmth coming from Yoongi's body was having great effect on your own. The last thing you saw was his face. His eyebrows scrunched at you in disbelief, before your head dropped to the side and you completely lost yourself to the need of sleeping.

949 words

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