Bad Boy [No.8]

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Sorry I've been inactive for so long 😭 I've been super busy lately. Especially with these exams that went on for two weeks (not straight). At least they're almost over!

But let's talk about 1k views!! 🎉🎉

Ima be honest here, when I started this I wasn't expecting this much out of it. It was just for fun, that's also a reason why updates were always so slow.

But now that I see that you guys ACTUALLY like this, I promise to put more effort into it and try to update whenever I have the free time :))

Ily guys so much! Here's chapter 8!! ❤️❤️


The #1 Bad Bitch's P.O.V

Carleslie didn't even bother saving me a seat in her car. Meaning that I had to get a ride from someone else.

Said something like 'more than 7 thots in one vehicle is not something one can achieve...'

The #1 best friend ever...

Also, did I mention that this is a pool party? Which means we need to bring bathing suits.

Guess who was 'too lazy' to bring one?


I actually thought I'd get away with it at first,

But guess who also has the 'best best friend in the world'?


So yea, to my dismay, Carls said she brought a 'cute ass' bathing suit for me.

Honesty it's either a duck costume or a stripper outfit.

But she said it was 'my style' whatever that means- so I'm hoping it's somewhat decent. At this point, If it's neither one of those options, I'll take it.

Pray for me...I sigh...should've just lied and told her I brought one...

But yea. I was forced to get a ride from Yoongi, since he was attending the party as well. At least with him I could get some peace and quiet, unlike with the human megaphone that is my best friend. I huffed out and constantly tapped my index finger on the window sill. I was so nervous about having to face Baekhyun after all these years. I didn't notice all the secret glances Yoongi's been giving me through the rear view mirror.

He stayed silent and kept his eyes focused on the road. Not that I wanted to hear his sexy voice anyway.


I got mad at the mint-haired man for making me sit in the backseat, like a child. Might as well throw in a car seat. What bothers me the most is that when I ask him why, he just stays shut and straight ignores me.

My fists clench at the thought and I push my body as close to the door as possible. I stare out the window like my head was held in place, never removing my eyes from the streets outside. The sun had slowly began to set, which gave the sky this beautiful blue-pink look. That was the only thing keeping me calm, or else I'd be yelling my ass off.

Bad Boy // A Yoongi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now