Bad Boy [No.13]

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The #1 Bad Bitch's P.O.V

My breasts were pushed backwards by his weight and we were now even closer than before. So close that his breathing was still hot when it came out from his nose.

I felt him tilt his head down to actually look at the knot, and felt the blood rushing up to my face as his constant breathing tickled at my neck. If I weren't so focused on the fact that we were this close, I would've noted the small chuckle from him that vibrated throughout my body.

I can't take anymore of this...

"Y-Yoongi, can you hurry up?" My voice cracked out of pure embarrassment.

He sighed, quickening his actions behind me. With every tug, I physically felt the knot getting more and more loose. Until it finally can undone.

As soon as Yoongi started backing away from me I felt my body grow cold, missing the nice warmth from his own.

I brought my hands in front of myself and winced when I saw the deep, red marks around my wrists. They formed from all pressure by the rope. When I rubbed them, they ached badly so I decided not to continue doing so.

Third Person P.O.V (cause I feel like it)

Yoongi stared down at the almost completely naked girl who was still recovering. From what? no one knows except for her and Baekhyun. But it was obviously something bad. Yoongi could only tell by the way she sat frozen still on the cold tiles of the bathroom floor. The only movement coming from her was her own hands gently rubbing at her bruised wrists.

Take her home...Yoongi thought...She's had enough of this party...

"Come on." Yoongi spoke out, breaking the small, calming silence between them, "Get dressed, we're leaving."

Y/n's scarred eyes finally broke free from her hands, and now traveled up Yoongi's torso, meeting his own hard gaze. She swallowed hard, feeling as if she hasn't had a single drop of water down her throat in weeks.

The girl slowly began standing up, grabbing whatever was near for support. She was wondering why Yoongi hasn't taken advantage of her in this weak, helpless state she was in. Her knowing what type of guy he was, she was expecting to be felt up by him at least.

Not that she wanted to be touched by him or anything...(I don't even think she believes that tbh)

Still it was odd. A guy with such a reputation for using girls, acting all soft towards her. Maybe he took pity because he didn't know what she just went through.

This only made Y/n even more weary, When's he gonna make his move? She often thought. It has been a while since they've been roommates. All those things he said he'd do to her back when they first met...where's all that confidence from before?

If anything she was getting impatient. But of course she'd never admit that to anyone, even Carleslie, who had no real idea where Y/n could possibly be right now.

The truth is, Carleslie was off having the time of her life at some nightclub with her other friends, thinking that Y/n had just gotten tired of the party and went home.

Bad Boy // A Yoongi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now