Chapter 76

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Travis's POV

Ashton has been home with the twins for about a week, and I haven't left her side. I force her to go to sleep at night, she tries to stay up all day every day to make sure nothing is wrong with the babies. I sleep with a baby monitor in my room so I know when they twins are crying. I want to make sure she has plenty of rest.

It's currently around three in the morning, and Gabbi is being slightly fussy. I make her a bottle and make an extra for Vin. He only gets hungry after Gabbi has already eaten. I know siblings are close, but it's amazing how close twins are.

I look down at Gabbi, and she is staring up at me with a slight pout.

"What is it baby girl, I have you a bottle love." I say, and her pout goes away instantly.

"You know, even though I believe Vinny should be the one taking care of them.. I'm glad you are here to do it Travis." I look up at the person standing in the door way of the nursery. Cole walks in, and gently picks up Vincent. He grabs the other bottle, and begins to feed him.

"Thanks.. I wish Vinny was here, it's hard knowing Ashton cries at night. Wishing he was here to see them.. I wish I could help her more." I say to Cole, as I continue to feed Gabriella.

"She will never be over him.. but I know she will eventually move on. Not saying she will forget him, but I see the way she looks at you.. she doesn't look at Brandon the way she looks at you." Cole says looking at me seriously.

"What do you mean?" I say, as I gently take the empty bottle out of Gabriella's mouth.

"I mean, I have only seen her loon at Vinny the way she looks at you.. she loves you.. like truly loves you. She is just afraid to let herself love again, because she is scared she will lose you too.." he says, I look down at Gabriella, and I love the twins as if I were their father.

But you're not..

"I'm afraid that I won't be what she wants, Cole, I've never loved any woman other than my mother.. when she died, I refused to love any girl. Now I am madly in love with Ashton, and I love her children as if they were my own blood. And I feel honored that I could be here to help her take care of them. I don't want her to be with me just because I'm here, I want her to want to be with me because I make her happy, and make her feel everything she hasn't felt in a long time. I will wait as long as it takes, I'm not like Brandon, I can wait as long as she wants me to.. that's what you do when you are in love.." I say, I kiss Gabriella on her tiny cheek as she slowly begins to fall asleep. I lay her in her bassinet, and Cole hands me Vincent. He finished his bottle long before Gabbi, so he is already fast asleep. He looks alot like Vinny, he even acts like him already.

Always taking care of the girl in his life.

In this case, he makes sure his sister is taken care of before him.

Amazing little man already. I kiss his forehead and lay him in his own bassinet.

"Travis, we have to get you out of that gang for good.. I refuse to let her lose anyone else." Cole says before he walks out of the door.


I listen to the entire conversation over the baby monitor. I don't think Travis realizes I took Cole's baby monitor. I feel the hot tears on my cheeks, and honestly they are not all sad tears.

How did Cole notice..

I tried to hide it, but I guess that would explain why Cole kept trying to leave me and Travis alone over the past two months.

I wait till I hear Cole's bedroom door shut before I slowly open my door. I walk the short length to the nursery, and see Travis sitting in the chair. He has his head against the back of the seat with his eyes closed. I slowly walk in to the room, he doesn't move.

I walk over and pull the big nursery rhyme book off of the shelf, I flip through the pages until I see the picture I have looked at for a million times since Cole put it in here.

It's a picture of Vinny sitting in the bathroom as Cole dyes his hair. It wasn't long before he met me, but he had a smile on his face and so did Cole. I slowly walk out of the room, with the book and picture and slump against the wall a few feet away from the door. I run my thumb across the picture, and I feel my heart break slightly.

"I love you so much Vinny, if you had not been taken from me.. we would be getting married.. you would be able to hold your babies.." I choke on my words, and wipe my eyes, "I miss you more and more every day, and I know I always will. Especially as our children grow older, they already look so much like you.. I want you to know that Cole stays here with me now.. I'm not sure how long he will stay, but he helps me cope. He misses just as much as I do.. if not more.. everyone misses you. I want to ask you something.. I know you can't answer me.. But.. I'll always love you Vinny.. But.. there is someone right in front of me... they make me feel like you did.. I know if you could respond, you would tell me to make sure whatever I do makes me happy.. and I believe it will.. so what I am asking Vinny.. is.. should I move on?" I whisper looking at the picture.

I hear something, and drop the book on the floor. I reach down to pick up the book, and notice a quote wrote in.

Be open to what's in front of you, receive it before the sun fades

"It's that your way of answering me Vinny?"

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