Chapter 43

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It's now the day of the party, the one where I will be meeting the source. I'm not what you would call nervous it's more of I feel like I could throw up. I know I can defend myself, but it's kind of hard to defend yourself if someone pulls a gun on you. I'm waiting on Vinny to pick me up for school, I decided to wear something that I could also wear to the party later. I'm wearing high waisted black ripped jeans with a slight crop top band tshirt. I slip on my black converse and walk downstairs to wait on Vinny. As soon as I reach the bottom step I hear a knock on the door. I open the door and find Vinny with a bouquet of flowers and a bag of food. He grins at me before handing me the flowers, they are beautiful purple and pink dyed roses.

"I thought a girl as beautiful as you deserved to get some beautiful roses for no reason." He kisses my cheek, "And I brought you breakfast. In hopes that you were hungry, because I'm starving."

"I'm always hungry." I laugh before walking into the kitchen to put my roses in some water. He sits the bag of food on the counter and pulls out a gigantic blueberry muffin.

"Is that for me?" I ask my mouth watering at the sight.

I like muffins ok?!

"Nope.." he says taking a big bite out of it, I frown and cross my arms.

"That's not nice.." I pout.

"It's just sooooo good!" He winks at me, I squint my eyes at him giving him a death stare. He pulls out a double chocolate muffin, and hands it to me and I almost faint from the deliciously chocolate smell. I take a huge bite, and it looks anything but graceful as I moan from the taste.

"Hey stop that! You can only moan like that for me.." he laughs making me choke on the muffin. He starts laughing even more, as my cheeks get bright red. He sits his muffin down, and sits mine down as well cornering me against the counter. His arms are on both sides of me, and I can feel my stomach flip as he gets inches away from my face. He brings his lips down to mine just close enough where they only slightly touch, he flicks his tongue out running it across my bottom lip making me shiver. He leans back, with a smirk on his face.

"You're right, that muffin is moan worthy.." he winks at me, and it's all I can do to not melt on the floor.

"We need to get to school Vincent.." I say making him chuckle.

"It's ok my girl, you make me nervous to in a good way." He kisses my cheek before following me out to the car. He opens the door for me, and then gets in himself starting the car and driving towards school.

The entire school day goes by in a blur, I didn't have to deal with any drama, but I did get to see Travis and Brandon. The day Brandon told me he would be at school he and the boys had to leave to do a 'job', and today was their first day back. I look down the hall, waiting for Vinny to come back from talking to Cole.

"Hey Ashton, how are you doing?" I hear Brandon say as he walks up.

"Hey B, I'm great just waiting on Vinny. How is your cut?" I say pointing to his stomach.

"It's healing, doesn't feel the greatest but it's definitely healing.." he runs his fingers through his hair smiling he genuine smile. I can't help but smile back, it's been a while since I have saw Brandon smile like this. I watch as Travis walks up beside us.

"Hey T.." I say as I give him a hug, he hugs me back smiling down at me.

"Hey Ashton, it's been a minute since I actually got a hug from you." He smiles, but I can see there is something bothering him. Because I can ask what it is I hear Vinny and Cole walking up.

"What's up guys?" Vinny says as he wraps an arm around my shoulders. Vinny and the boys have became closer, and honestly it makes me so happy.

"Nothing much checking up on our girl here." Brandon laughs.

"I wouldn't call her a girl anymore Brandon, she is a woman." Cole says smiling and chuckling at me. I blush, but the boys go quiet. Cole stops laughing once he realizes what he has said. Vinny's face goes white as Brandon stands there staring at him silently. I look at Travis and notice the panic on his face, his eyes meet mine and all I can see is heart break.

He already knew..

"Ashton is it true?.." Brandon says in a deathly voice.

"It's no one's business but mine and Vinny's Brandon, but yes it is true ok? I gave myself to him.." I say my eyes starting to water, my stomach starts to knot up and it's all I can do to not throw up.

"Brandon it was her choice, as it was mine to give her myself. It's not like I have slept with everyone. The only person I have ever kissed let alone do that with is Ashton. I'm not going to apologize for that." Vinny says, I watch as Travis gives me a small smile as I watch a single tear run down his cheek.

"Why the fuck would you do that?!" Brandon yells at Vinny as he grabs him by the throat pushing him up against the lockers.

"Bro get off of him!" Travis says trying to pull Brandon away.

"I fucking love her that's why!" Vinny yells back before swinging his fist and connecting with Brandon's jaw. Before I know it I see Cole and Travis trying to separate Vinny and Brandon as they continue to punch eachother. I can feel the familiar tingle in my throat as everything start to come up, I run as fast as I can to the nearest bathroom. I slam the stall door and puke repeatedly.

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