Chapter 63

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Travis's POV

I push myself off the floor and do another set of push ups. It's been two months since I got put in here. I've managed to stay to myself the entire time, only making small talk with the other inmates when I need information.

"Hey Taylor, heard they sent someone out to watch.. don't know who yet, but I know they haven't found her yet. Said something along the lines of she moved away to a different location. I guess that's good, maybe she is hidden very well.." my cell mate says walking into the cell and hopping onto the top bunk. He gets information for me, and keeps it on the down low. No one knows why he asks around about the unknown daughter of the guy everyone knows as boss. It has came out that Preston knows about his daughter, and I feel like he knew all along just waited for her to come to him. When she didn't is when he decided to take action.

I jump up from the floor feeling my muscles scream from the constant exercise. My arms have gotten bigger and my stomach is definitely more toned now. I don't look at all like a high schooler anymore although it hasn't been that long, but due to not shaving or lounging around waiting for boss to order us around I have actually started looking more like I'm twenty three than nineteen.

"So they haven't found her? Good I can't protect her from in here.." I say the last part under my breath.

"She is safe as far as I know, but that was just talk from a guy on the outside that came by to see me today.. said he knows you and asked about you. He was pretty young little older than you.." my cell mate says, flipping his deck of cards over repeatedly in his hands.

"Who was it?" I ask suspiciously.

"That I cant tell you, your a good dude, but I'm loyal to only him. I told you what I could about him, and that will have to do." He says hopping off the bed and walking back out of the cell. I huff, and walk out of the cell as well. I walk the opposite way that my cell mate did, and down to the window that has the guard on the other side.

"Any information my man?" I ask as I lean against the window. The broad shouldered guard chuckles lowly.

"Always, your lucky Nikolas told me to keep an eye on you in here.. three guys in the hole because I heard they were put in her to take you out. Seems that dad of yours really doesn't want you to make it out of here alive.." he say leaning back in his seat, "also was told that she is safe, they moved her out and she hasn't been back to school since that day. Been doing all her work at home with help from Jacobs. Also heard through the grade vine that she has been asking about coming to see you, although she knows why she cant.."

"I wish she could.." I say looking down at the floor, he stands up and comes closer to the window.

"We might be getting you out of here sooner.. just talk right now.. but we might have a way.." he says before turning his back to me, and going back to his chair. I turn and walk back down the hall to my cell. I don't go in as I see someone hiding behind a wall, and instead I back up in hopes that I can get to the guard station before they jump me. They come away from the wall, and I suck in a breath.

How did I not know he was here..

He is going to kill me.

Ashton's POV

I go in a week to find out what I am having, it was supposed to take a little bit longer, but my babies are growing fast. It's been a little over a month since I moved into the house that everyone bought for me. I wish I could say it's been lonely living on my own, but it hasn't because Cole or Brandon are here every day and they sleep here most of the time. My mom has been paying my anything I need, so I really don't ever do much. I had to finish school at home, Cole does his best to teach me in all subjects as well as give me tests. I'm still acing everything so the change hasn't affected me.

I roll out of bed, and take a quick shower. When I get out I can hear two voices talking in my room. It sounds as if they are arguing so I quickly put on the bath robe Brandon bought me so I don't have to walk around in a towel. I look down at my baby bump that is now even more noticeable.

"She deserves to know Brandon! It's her life!" I hear Cole argue.

"That's not the point! The point is, they haven't found her yet and they won't as long as we keep this place hidden from the gangs!" I hear Brandon whisper yell.

I walk into my room, and they both look at me.

"So someone better start telling me what the hell is going on here or I will start throwing stuff." I say crossing my arms.

"Someone is coming after you.. they can't find you obviously.. but we keep getting information back about someone who was sent to do something horrible.." Cole whispers before looking down at my stomach.

"They want to kill my babies?" I whisper, and I feel the color leave my face.

"We won't let them get to you, I promise, I will protect your children as if they were my own.." Brandon whispers walking up to me, he hugs me tightly and I can't help but push him away.

"Yea? Well Vinny is supposed to be here to protect them! No one else! I don't want anyone else! I just want Vinny so we can take care of our babies and grow old together!" I turn and run out of the room. I don't know what exactly I think I am doing as I feel my body shutting down. I start to get wobbly as I reach the stairs, and soon I feel my body lurching forward towards the stairs. Before I can fall down the stairs I feel someone catch me.

I look up and begin to cry as I see someone that looks alot like Vinny.

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