Phone Call

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I walked into the house and headed to the kitchen. There were empty boxes piled by the back door and plates stacked on the counter. I opened the fridge door and stared inside. Mom even managed to put things in the same spot.

I grabbed a soda and shut the door. I screamed as I came face to face with mom, her expression dark.

"You skipped class today?"

"I made a new friend though." I offered, hoping that would change her attitude. It didn't.

"You're a straight A student, Sophie. Why jeopardize that on your first day?"

"Mom, it was just one class."

"That's no excuse."

I sighed and headed toward my room. "You don't understand, mom."

"What don't I understand?" She asked, following me.

I stopped at the door and leaned against it. "Cal... he's lonely. He doesn't have any friends."

"So you feel obligated to be his friend?"

"I didn't have any friends this morning. So I'd feel pretty awful if no one offered to talk to me."

She squeezed my arm. "Don't let this prevent you from doing your best in your classes, okay?"

I nodded.

She kissed my forehead before she went back to the kitchen. The sound of plates moving on the counter followed me until I shut the door behind me.


It was only six o'clock and I wanted to call Calvin so badly.

I stared at the ceiling from my bed, wanting to think of anything but him. My plans were never to make friends. I didn't want any memories of this place. This... home. It wasn't a home. It wasn't my home.

I was so pathetic. Why was I getting worked up over a guy? It was just... Calvin.


I scrolled through my phone and found the last call listed. It was Cal's sister but she would let him talk on the phone. Right? Was that allowed after trying to... kill yourself?

Why did everything have to be so complicated?

I called his sister and rolled onto my side. Was I making a mistake? Was I being stupid and annoying? Why would he want to talk to me outside of school?


"Can I talk to Calvin?"

"Who is this?"

I cleared my throat. "Sophie."

"Are you the girl he drove home?"

"I guess that's me." It was better than the girl he skipped class with.

"Let me get him."


Just seconds passed before Calvin answered the phone. "Sophie, I wasn't... I didn't expect..."

"I'm sorry if this is weird. I just wanted to thank you for the ride home."

"I'm just glad my mom didn't embarrass you."

I laughed. "I'm used to it."

"Did your parents find out about us skipping class?"

"Yep. My mom chewed me out."

"Me too. Sorry to get you in trouble."

"Don't worry about it. I'd do it again too."

"So I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Of course."

"Thanks for today, Sophie."

I hung up and stared at the number on my screen. It wasn't his phone number - he didn't have a phone - but I still wanted to save it.

I groaned and rolled onto my stomach. Why was I being so stupid over this? He was just someone being nice to me on my first day of school. So why was I feeling so strongly towards him. What was wrong with me?

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