Chapter 9

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Danny: It's not what you think!

Box Ghost: BEWA... We're dead... aren't we?

More than you need to be... *eye twitches*

*Both Danny and the Box Ghost run from the author who has a chair in her hands*

Danny and his two friends walked out of his hospital room and made their way down the hall to the exit. They walked through the streets quietly not saying a word. Danny was trying hard to support himself and not fall over. A person suddenly bumped into them making Danny fall to the ground with pain and weakness. Tucker went to his knees and supported Danny by his back. Sam gasped and yelled to the person.

"Hey, watch where you walk, Jerk!!"

In front of them, a familiar man with blonde hair and blue eyes stood in front of them in shock. He gasped and bent down to help.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see where I was going!"

He reached his hand to help bring Danny up but Sam pushed his hand away.

"I guess you didn't get the memo. Danny is supposed to be in the hospital but he got out early. He is still weak and very immune to going back into that coma! But of course, being that selfless person he is, he's literally risking his half life just to save the sister he loves!"

"Y-you make i-it sound l-like it's a b-bad t-thing..." Danny forced out through the pain in his chest.

He clutched his chest with both his hands wincing in pain. Tucker slowly put his hands around Danny, and slowly moved Danny to his knees and the to his feet.

"Ah S-Sam, don't interrigate D-Dash... he didn't m-mean to..." Danny managed to whisper while clutching his chest.

Dash stood there watching his high school punching bag/ hero fight for his strength. Danny moved his hands to his side and breathed slowly and carefully. He looked at Dash with a gentle smile. Dash just smiled back.

"If you want me to help, I can!"

"Um... no thanks. We got it." Sam spat.

Tucker elbowed her arm.

"Dash, what Sam meant to say was no in a kind way. The three of us are fine. If we do need help, however, we will ask. Definitely."

Dash grinned and walked off. He waved to the trio as they made their way to Fenton Works, which was also the Fenton residence. When they got inside, they immediately went downstairs. Danny grabbed a few Fenton weapons and some Fenton gear and stuff them in the Specter Speeder. He passed them each a Fenton phones and Fenton communicators. He seemed to be moving with no trouble now. Danny did wince a few times, but other than that, you would never have known he'd just woken up from a very painful coma. They got into the Specter Speeder with Danny driving. Soon enough, they drove into the Ghost Portal and they found themselves in the Ghost Zone. Danny concentrated on the path as much as he could. He felt weak but did not give up. He knew his sister was in trouble and he was going to be the one who saved him.

"So you said you knew who took her... Tell us." Sam broke the silence.

"Yeah dude... We don't want you fighting some strong ghost and you not tell us. Especially in your condition." Tucker said.

Danny hesitated but sighed.

"It was Skulker."

"WHAT!?" they both yelled.

"Ah, no. You are not fighting him. Let us handle him. Besides, we got lots of ghost weapons in here. We can handle him. You go find your sister." Sam said almost immediately.

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