Chapter 8

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Danny: No, you don't. The author just doesn't feel good. Talk one more time, and you get sucked into the thermos.


Danny: On to the story then! *chases Box Ghost*

Danny moved his sister behind him for protection. Jamie looked up at the armoured being in shook. Surely, this couldn't be a ghost. They didn't exist! It did, however, have the qualities of one. It had a certain glow, only a ghost had. It's eyes were unnaturally red. It even had flaming green hair. This was a ghost. Every fact that Jamie gathered about ghosts not existing was useless. If Jamie got home, she promised herself that she would rip up her well written essay on ghosts not existing. She looked up at her brother who fearlessly was mocking the ghost.

'I guess Mom and Dad taught Danny all their is to being a ghost hunter...' she thought to herself.

Her mind then went to the things she heard about her brother. Danny being half ghost. That she still didn't believe. A human can't possibly half die. It was scientifically impossible. It was very unsafe and unnatural. Her thoughts stopped when the ghost spoke,

"What do I want? I want the girl." He said pointing to her. Her eyes shrunk in fear.

"You can't have her!"

"Well, why not? She is very important to you, and to get a welp like you, it's to kidnap an important thing like her."

Danny got into a fighting stance.

"You want her, Skulker? You have to get through me first!"

Danny was about to transform when the ghost, Skulker, punched his face. Danny fell to the floor, only to jump up again. Each time he tried to transform, Skulker laid another hit on him. Jamie remembered her backpack and took it off. She took out a grey and green belt that her parents called a Ghost Deflector. Jamie ran to Danny with it.


She put the belt around her brother and pressed the button. It was meant to harm any ghost that touched it, not a human. It was very unexpected that when she pressed the button, it began electrocuting Danny. Sharp screams exited Danny as he fell to the floor in pain. Jamie gasped in shock and confusion. She pressed the button again which turned it off. Before she could take it off, her arm was grabbed and she was being taken off the ground. She looked up and saw Skulker grinning.

"Thank you, little girl. Now, it's about time I kidnap you."

He quickly pressed the button again on the belt and moved quickly away so he wasn't shocked. Danny began screaming once more in pain. Jamie screamed to her brother as she was flown away from him. The screaming halted to a stop as he passed out.

*TIME SKIP (because I'm lazy)*

"... He's ...ming ...o."

Danny's eyes began to open. He saw blurs of colors in front of him that soon formed into his family and a few doctors.

"Wha.. What h-happened..." he managed to whisper.

"Someone at the mall found you unresponsive at the movie theater. You had the Ghost Deflector on! You're lucky that you're still alive!" his mother yelled with tears.

"Or at least half alive like usual." Tucker snickered.

Sam elbowed him.

"They called the ambulance and us! (everyone knows the Fenton's number). When we got here they stated you were in a coma... I didn't know what to do to myself..."

"H-how long was I o-out?

"A week... they predicted about a month if you were to wake up..."

Danny looked around not seeing Jamie. Suddenly, the memories came flooding into his mind like the floodgates opening. His eyes widened and the heart rate monitor began beeping. The doctors got to work to him keep him stabilized.

"What's happening to my baby??" Maddie screamed.

"He may be having a panic attack... We are doing what we can to calm him ma'am."

Soon the heart rate monitor went back to normal tracing his every heartbeat. His mother and father grabbed his hand in worry. He breathed slowly and looked at his parents in worry before he broke into a cry.

"I-I thought I could protect h-her..." he whispered trying to breathe as he cried.

They knew he was talking about Jamie. They didn't know what had happened to her but they knew she was in trouble. They comforted him along with Jazz and his two friends. The doctors stayed to the side giving them space but stayed close enough in case Danny needed them again.

"What happened that day, Son?" Jack asked.

Danny told them about Skulker and the fight. He told them about Skulker wanting her specifically and how Jamie put the belt around him. His parents looked to each other confused to why she would do that. They always told her about Danny's ghost half and they knew others would say the same. So why would she put a Ghost Deflector on him? They looked to Danny who tried to get up. Jazz instantly stopped him.

"Don't try to get up... You're still very weak."

"I need to find her, Jazz... I need to find my baby sister. You know you want her back too. Please Jazz... from a sibling to a sibling. How would you feel if I was taken from you?"

"The same way I guess..."

"Exactly... it's an older sibling would do anything for their younger siblings... I'll be fine... Just get me out of this stupid bed..."

Jazz hesitated but looked to the doctors.

"Help me get him up slowly." she then turned to Danny. "Promise me...if you feel weak in anyway, stop. Come back and rest. I'm sure Jamie isn't being tortured... She is the bait... She has to be fine."

Danny nodded and slowly stood up. He was about to transform when Sam put her hand on his shoulder.

"I'm going with you. And don't you dare say no. I'm going whether you like it or not."

"Yeah, same dude." Tucker said.

He smiled weakly and hugged them.

"Thanks guys." he said weakly once more.

The trio hugged and began their journey to find his sister. Just like old times.

Danny: Hope you liked the chapter! Sayoko will be back with another soon. Bye!

~Sayoko Shimazaki

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