Chapter 21: This Field Trip's Over

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         The three brothers stayed in the same room just for comfort. After the diabolical downstairs, they all needed a break.

          ''The nerve of those two,'' White snapped. ''I have half a mind to scream until their heads explode. And I can actually do that.''

           ''At least they didn't try to use that ecto-cube on Danny,'' Dick says. ''But if they do, i'll chop their heads off myself.''

           ''I think Fright Knight might beat you to it,'' Danny said.

          ''Where's he been, anyway,'' White asked. ''Ever since he started protecting us, because of the whole royalty thing, he's been sticking to us like glue.''

        ''Dani told me something along the lines of him wanting to get us something special,'' Danny said.

         ''It must be special if he left his post,'' Dick says.

         ''Your majesties,'' a ghost knight called, phasing into the room.

         He definitely had a real knight's look to him. He had tough dark purple armor with gauntlets and boots, with a helmet that hid his face. His helmet's mane was dark green fire. He also had a long black and purple cloak. A glowing green sword was in his hand. In his other hand was two boxes wrapped with silver bows.

          ''How ya doin', FK,'' Danny greeted.

           ''I am doing fine, my lords,'' Fright Knight says.

       ''We keep telling you to use our names, Fright,'' White sweetly said. ''Just because we're kings doesn't mean we think we're above anyone.''

          ''It is only out of respect, my kings,'' Fright Knight told them. ''Happy birthday.''

          He gave them their presents.

         ''Aw, that's sweet,'' Dick said. ''But not now. We all have headaches.''

          ''I will leave you be, then,'' Fright Knight says.

           He phased through the wall. The twins put the boxes down.

           ''We can open these later,'' Danny said.

                                                         *****Time Skip*****

          The brothers sat with their friends and the rest of the Bats at the table for breakfast before they send the class on their way. Jack and Maddie came over to them. Nightwing put his hand on their shoulders, as if to protect them.

         ''Can we talk to you two,'' Jack asked. ''In private.''

         Nightwing's grip on them tightened. The two stood up.

          ''It's fine, Nightwing,'' White says. ''We'll talk to them.''

          ''If you hear any screaming, it's going well for us but not them,'' Danny joked.

           They snickered as the two went down the hall with the adults.

       ''If they're not back in five minutes, i'm going after them,'' Dick said, all the Bat bros agreeing.

       The two stood at the end of the hall with the Fentons. They looks on their faces told that they did not want to be near the adults.

         ''What has gotten into you two,'' Maddie asked them. ''You have been so rude and rebellious over this trip. You hang around these creatures and treat them like friends and family when all they are, are monsters. We taught you better than that.''

          ''You taught us nothing,'' Danny glared. ''All you've done, since this stupid trip started, is cause trouble and try to shoot our family.''

          ''Ghosts, and those isle creatures, are nothing but scum and monsters,'' Jack said. ''They have no place around you.''

          ''They have been more family to us than you two ever were,'' White argued. ''A few bad seeds doesn't make them all evil. Lena was the one that destroyed Sirena.''

          ''They are both sirens, one just destroyed the other so they could prove their dominance,'' Maddie said. ''Monsters are monsters.''

           ''That's all you think! When Sirena took White's voice, we were the ones to comfort him while you two didn't care,'' Danny yelled. ''You've never been good parents, and whole trip has proved us right.''

          ''There is no way they could remember,'' Maddie thought. ''The drug was too powerful.''

           ''That is no way to talk to your mother,'' Jack says. ''We raised you.''

          ''She is not our mother, and you are not our father,'' White shouted. ''You never even raised us. Jazz did everything you were too clueless to do. She made sure we ate, she helped us with our homework, she comforted us when we had nightmares, she actually cared about us. You did nothing.''

           ''That is it, young man,'' Maddie growled. ''When we get home, yo are both GROUNDED.''

          ''You can't ground who doesn't live with you anymore,'' Danny glared. 

         ''Excuse us,'' Jack interrupted.

         ''If you haven't noticed, we finally have a family that cares,'' White said. ''Batman has adopted us. We've made that completely clear at this point.''

          ''We always knew that you two were never our parents, deep down,'' Danny glared. ''We know what you did ten years ago. You threatened us and our brother when we were only six. You took us, kidnapped us, from our real family. Then you pumped us full of a drug that made us forget everything about our past. You two are crazy and need to go to prison.''

          ''DANIEL JAMES FENTON. WHITE HOPE FENTON,'' Maddie yelled.

          ''Our last name is Grayson, not Fenton,'' White told them. ''You can't take anymore from us.''


         White fell onto the ground, Jack having hit him across the face. Danny ran to him. He saw he had blood dripping out of his mouth. He glared at the adults, taking everything he had not to have his glowing eyes.

          ''You dare hurt him,'' he yelled.

          Back down the hall, the heroes and mystical creatures were all waiting.

          ''How do you think it's going down there,'' Tim asked.

          Both the Fentons came flying down the fall, crashing into one of the columns. Danny marched down, looking furious. White was behind him, holding the side of his face.

          ''They aren't dead, so that's a good sign,'' Lena giggled.

          ''Lay a hand on my brother again, and I will send you to the dungeon,'' Danny boomed.

          Nightwing went over to White, noticing the blood on his mouth. He was about to go ballistic. He turned to the others.

         ''They are all leaving NOW,'' he yelled. ''This disaster of a field trip is over.''




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