Chapter 11: Brothers In Blood

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            ''You really want to stay in the Ghost Zone full time,'' Valerie asked. ''Are you sure you are ready for that?''

            ''This isn't for me, look at White,'' Danny said.

            White was lying on the bed. He was slowly healing from the near death experience that their 'mother' caused him. He was covered in electrical burns and was still sparking with the anti-siren lightning.

           ''Here, he can be himself,'' Danny says. ''Do you know what they did the one time he tried to practice his singing at home? They told him to shut up because they were working. I saw him run into the Ghost Zone crying because of them. He spent the rest of the day on the Isle of Sirens because they actually love his voice.''

           ''I never knew that happened,'' Valerie said, saddened.

          ''He doesn't want people to know,'' Danny sighed. ''He has a pure heart and doesn't like it when others get hurt because of him. He made me promise not to say anything so his drama wouldn't be brought onto others. All he wants is a family that accepts him, all of him.''

          ''Daniel, maybe now is when I should tell you about what I wanted to talk to you about before,'' Clockwork says. ''It's about the dream you had when you were poisoned by the Blood Blossoms.''

           ''How'd you know about that,'' Danny asked.

          White weakly sat up.

           ''He's Clockwork,'' he says. ''What doesn't he know.''

           ''You nearly die and you're still sarcastic,'' Valerie said. ''Danny, you're turning him into you.''

            ''What's so bad about that,'' Danny crosses his arms.

          ''You really don't want me to answer that,'' Valerie smirked.

           ''Daniel, White, your dream wasn't as much of a dream as you thought,'' Clockwork told them.

            ''It was weird that we had the same one,'' White says. ''We were six, living in a circus, and our parents were world famous trapeze artists.'' 

         ''But then these two people came out, with guns, taking us from our brother,'' Danny continued. ''They used a drug to take away our memories and make us believe we really were their kids.''

            ''But it can't possibly be true,'' White said. ''Jazz cares about us, so she'd never keep that from us.''

           ''My dear boys, that dream was no dream,'' Clockwork says. ''It was a memory that was awakened by the Blood Blossoms breaking down the drug that kept them at bay.''

           ''So, was Skulker trying to help us, or was this just a side effect of another one of his failed killing attempts,'' Danny joked.

            ''Skulker does what Skulker wants,'' Valerie stated.

           ''Jasmine doesn't know about you two,'' Clockwork told them. ''She thinks you're adopted. But in truth, her purity has her pretty oblivious to the darkness in mortals.''

           ''True enough,'' White said. ''Can you clear the rest of our minds? I want to remember who we really are.''

         ''I'd be glad to, my dear children,'' Clockwork says. ''This isn't messing with the timeline, for once.''

           He held his hands on their heads. Their eyes flashed, their minds unlocked. They got back what they had lost from their childhood. They weren't Fentons, they were Graysons.

          White would sing before every trapeze performance. Danny would work out the most amazing special effects. They would have been up in the trapeze, but their parents wanted them on the ground. They always thought their brother was best up there, anyway.

          ''Uh... Valerie, we should give them some space,'' Clockwork says, literally pushing Red Huntress out the door.

          Danny and White looked at each other.

         ''We have a brother,'' White says, crying. ''Dick must have lost his mind trying to find us. What do we do about Jazz? She's gonna lose it when she finds out. And those so-called parents need to go to jail.''

          ''White,'' Danny halted. 

         Danny held White as they both cried. They never asked for this. First they were turned into a siren and ghost, then a field trip that will end in disaster, now this.

          ''He loved my voice,'' White sobbed. ''He cared for us so much. I couldn't live with myself if I lost you.''

           ''We'll find him, White,'' Danny assured. ''I know we will. Do you still remember his favorite song? That could calm you down.''

           ''I hope he hears it,'' White says.

''Sunlight comes creeping in

Illuminates our skin
We watch the day go by
Stories of all we did
It made me think of you
It made me think of you

Under a trillion stars
We danced on top of cars
Took pictures of the stage
So far from where we are
They made me think of you
They made me think of you.''

         Nightwing, who had gotten lost in the maze of the Far Frozen caves again, heard the song. It hit him in his heart. He would know that voice, that song, anywhere. He starting running to where the sound was coming from.

''Oh lights go down
In the moment we're lost and found
I just wanna be by your side
If these wings could fly
(Oh damn these walls
In the moment we're ten feet tall
And how you told me after it all
We'd remember tonight*)
For the rest of our lives

''I'm in a foreign state
My thoughts they slip away
My words are leaving me
They caught an aeroplane
Because I thought of you
Just from the thought of you.

         The class also heard the song. It was one of the most beautiful things they ever heard. Sam, Tucker, Jazz, and the Bat family knew that it was White. 

         ''Who is that,'' Kwan wondered. ''He's amazing.''

         ''That would be White,'' Jazz says, enjoying the song.

         ''Tone Deaf can sing,'' Dash gasped.

         ''Shut it, Dash,'' Team Phantom yelled.

''Oh lights go down
In the moment we're lost and found
I just wanna be by your side
If these wings could fly
Oh damn these walls
In the moment we're ten feet tall
And how you told me after it all
We'd remember tonight
For the rest of our lives

''If these wings could fly.''

''Oh lights go down
In the moment we're lost and found
I just wanna be by your side
If these wings could fly
Oh damn these walls
In the moment we're ten feet tall
And how you told me after it all
We'd remember tonight
For the rest of our lives.

         White was crying by the end of the song. He would sing that song once a week for their circus audience. He got better every time and some would come just to hear him sing it. No one ever knew that he would do it because it was Dick's favorite song.

          ''Just as beautiful as ever,'' Danny smiled.

          ''Wherever Dick is, I know he heard it,'' White says.

         Nightwing came running through the doors.

          ''Nightwing, we're in our human forms,'' Danny protested.

         Nightwing faced toward them. He saw that their human forms had them with black hair and blue eyes. Just like his own. He looked at White.

          ''Little siren,'' he says.

         ''What,'' White gasped.

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