Ava and the Tree

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Avalon smiled smugly, shrugging her shoulders.
"Try me." She dared threateningly, looking Justin dead in the eyes.

"Fine." He said simply, before grabbing her by the arm and bringing her closer towards Aaron who merely looked on, confusion apparent on his face. Justin looked at Aaron, an apologetic look on his face as he spoke.

"I need to tell you something. Something I should have told you before."


"What?" Aaron's eyebrows furrowed at this, his gaze switching between Justin and Avalon. For a quick second, his eyes looked at me questioningly in a way to ask if I knew what Justin was speaking of, but he could tell from my eyes that I was just as confused as he was.

What could it possibly be?

Aaron turned his gaze back to Justin, a thoughtful look on his face before motioning between the two, stood before him, with a finger.
"You're not..." Aaron's voice drawled off before he completed his sentence, probably in the hope that Justin would save him from the awkwardness that the sentence would inevitably elicit.

I knew what Aaron was going to say. Heck, even Danny knew what he was going to say, at this point. But, what seemed like probably the first time, a confused look struck Justin's face. He raised an eyebrow at Aaron in a means for Aaron to carry on and I resisted the urge to slap him upside the head.

How could Justin not know what Aaron was talking about?

It seemed as though Aaron shared similar thoughts to mine as he stared at Justin, incredulously. When no metaphorical 'light bulb' seemed to go off for Justin, Aaron shook his head and spoke again, his voice hesitant.
"You and Avalon... you're not... you haven't... been...?" Aaron ended his sentence with an awkward cough.

I didn't quite understand Aaron's words, but Justin sure did and the confused look was wiped off his face. He slowly glanced at Avalon before turning to Aaron, a blank look on his face.

"I don't take leftovers." He said simply with a casual shrug, but it was enough to make Danny double over in laughter, his eyes filled with tears as he clutched his stomach.

I smiled at his words, but only slightly. Yes, Justin's words were harsh and cold. But, many a time, the intentions behind his words of ice was quite the opposite. My first and initial impression of Justin had been a very negative one. I had thought of him as just another obnoxious popular boy who didn't talk to others as he thought they were inferior. Now, getting to know him, I knew of his nature and how he cared deeply for his loved ones.

The amount of care he held for the two boys in this very room was evident from the way he helped them over every obstacle that came their way.

I knew that Justin would not even think of doing such a thing to Aaron. If he were to do so, his actions would probably hurt himself more than they would have hurt Aaron.

But, we all knew that.

Aaron smiled at Justin's words before folding his arms.
"No harm in asking though, right?" He joked, laughter evident in his tone.

Avalon glared at Aaron, folding her arms. She opened her mouth to speak, probably to spew more of her unintelligible venom, but I interrupted her before she could. Moving closer, I turned my gaze to Justin.

"Well, if it's not that then what is it, Justin?" I asked, curiously to which both Aaron and Danny nodded. We were all curious to know.

Not one for dramatic pauses or suspense, Justin nodded back, moving closer to Aaron and looking him in the eyes. He sighed heavily before speaking.
"Aaron, I knew. I knew, that Avalon was upstairs with Elliot before you had found out, but I didn't tell you." Justin let out, his voice deep and ridden with guilt. He looked away from Aaron's gaze and towards the floor.

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