Where's My Candy Floss?

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"Come on! This way!" I shouted, excitedly, tearing through the crowd.

For the past hour, I had been dragging the boys to every ride. I couldn't help it. I loved the fair. It had been so long since I had went and I didn't know if I would ever come back, so I was gonna make the most of it.

"Oh come on Alexis! You're dragging us everywhere and my feet hurt!" Chance cried.

I rolled my eyes at his diva behaviour that I had been more than accustomed to by being with him for a mere hour. And, safe to say, it was getting old really fast.

"Suck it up, Benedict" I muttered, nudging his along.

He snorted, putting his nose in the air.
"It's not Benedict. It's Chance. You make me sound like a bloody egg" he stated snottily.

I snorted back in an unlady-like fashion.
"Could've fooled me. You sure smell like one" I muttered. Chance didn't seem to hear, but Aaron did and stopped texting, laughing loudly. I smiled at this, glad to have made someone laugh at least.

I rolled my eyes fondly at him and turned around, my eyes landing on Doom, a well known roller-coaster.
"Come on! Let's get to the rollercoaster before the line queues up too much" I shouted to the boys, jumping up and down and pointing like a child.

"Oh my god, woman!" Chance shouted, rubbing his face with his hands.
"Haven't you had enough?!"

I shook my head giddily. I was way to ecstatic to roll my eyes at Chance being an over-dramatic diva. I ran up towards the roller-coaster, waiting in the line.

The boys soon turned up, Chance complaining about his feet, throwing his hands up in the air frantically, gaining attention from the other people in the line whilst Aaron just stood, head ducked down, texting away on his phone.

He then, finally, put his phone in his back pocket and looked around, confused.
"Which ride are we at?" He asked before looking towards Chance, who was on the ground, shoes off, rubbing his feet. He eyed his friend in disgust.
"Dude, do you really have to do that here?" He questioned, his nose crinkled slightly and his eyebrows furrowed.

I couldn't help, but find that cute. He looked like a lost puppy. I was almost tempted to go scratch behind his ears, but I knew that it would, no doubt, gain weird looks from him and, not to mention, everyone else who was watching.

Chance sniffed and continued rubbing his feet.
"It's not my fault I have sensitive feet, but you guys wouldn't know anything about that" He huffed. He then blew his hair out of his eyes.
"Primitive apes" he muttered sourly, under his breath.

Aaron merely raised an eyebrow at his friend's strange behaviour and turned to me, giving me the 'whats up with him' look. I shrugged in response, deciding it was best not to go into the painful details of the 'Chance hissy fit'.

Before Aaron could respond, we were at the front of the line where a tall olive-skinned brunette stood, taking money for the ride. I dug some money out of my pocket, sticking my hand out to give it to her.
"Hi, can we have 3-"
I was cut off by the brunette who begn talking, her gaze was on Aaron, smiling widely.
"That would be 3 tickets, please." She said, her voice thick and foreign. She stuck her arm out towards Aaron for a ticket, eyeing with sultry bedroom eyes. I rolled my eyes at the exaggerated attempt.

Aaron, whose attention had been on Chance who was on the floor complaining, looked up to meet the owner of the voice. As soon as his gaze met with 'Tiana', he grinned slightly, his eyes roving up and down her body subtly before he edged closer.

If I had the energy and some food in my stomach, I would have vomited there and then, but I was running on empty, so I gave him an extra dry look before turning to the side.

She actually smiled when she noticed him checking her out, put her hand on her hip and thrust her chest subtly as though she was an exhibit hung up in a museum. When Aaron seemingly gave an approving look in her direction, I subconsciously looked down to compare my body to hers, before realising what I was doing and snapping by head back to watch the scene in front of me.

The girl was now right in front of Aaron, smiling sickly, conversing with him as though she wasn't on the clock. Aaron nodded casually as she spoke, his eyes holding a mischievous look. I decided it was time that 'Brangelina' came to an end, so I walked up to them and thrust my money in Tiana's face.
"Excuse me. I've been waiting for ages to go on this ride. Can you quicken it up?" I said sweetly.

I didn't want to sound jealous because I wasn't. I was merely annoyed by the fact that Aaron couldn't stop being a player for just a few hours while I had fun. It's been such a long time since I actually had fun and he was ruining it.

The girl glared at me and snatched the money from my hand.
"Sure" she said, through gritted teeth. I bit back a smile. I loved seeing her annoyed even though I didn't know her. I grabbed the tickets from her hand and gave one to Chance. I turned around to Aaron, smiling and handed him his ticket.

He looked at the ticket in my hand before slowly shaking his head. I frowned.
"What's wrong, Aaron?" I said, confusion and concern both evident in my voice.

He faltered for a minute before looking at the roller-coaster.
"I don't know. It's just... I never liked this ride" he said with a shrug. He then suddenly lit up a little and spoke.
"You and Chance go on since you like it so much. I'll go get us some candy floss, yeah?"

I deflated a little bit because I wanted to sit with Aaron and not the drama queen, but immediately lit up when I heard about the candy floss. It had always been my all-time favourite sweet food.

"Okay" I chirped, happily. Aaron smiled in return, kissing me on the cheek lightly
"Be right back" he whispered and with that he moved away from me, said a quick goodbye to Chance before heading towards the candy floss machine.

I smiled slightly and touched my cheek lightly though it was only a reflex. The warmth of his lips contrasted to that of the windy 8pm weather and I had liked it, more than I would have cared to admit.

I whirled around to find Chance putting his foot in his shoe. I grimaced. I thought at least with his rich snooty nature, there would be an essence of class, but no. He had chose to leave that at home.

He turned to me, his eyed saddened.
"Are we doing this or what?" He said, looking down at his shoe, no doubt thinking about his 'sensitive feet'. I rolled my eyes.
"Only if you can take it, Benedict!" I urged, yanking Chance by his upper arm and pushing him into the seat beside me.

The ride started and, honestly, it was cooler than I had imagined, but that's not what I was thinking about.

I started thinking of how much better it would be if Aaron was sitting in the seat beside me. Don't get me wrong, Chase is a cool guy even, but he was always complaining about the roller-coaster going too fast, so I would much rather have Aaron along with me.

The ride ended shortly after with me blabbing to Chance about how cool the ride was. I was expecting Aaron to be standing there, smirking; some candy floss in his hand, but he wasn't there.

But that wasn't what broke my heart.

I looked over to the line of the ride to find that the 'ticket girl' was also nowhere in sight.

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