Bonus Chapter 28.6: Excuses for Elliot

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Hi guys! Here it is, the next bonus chapter. Remember, I am uploading weekly now so please like and comment so I know whether you enjoy it or not.

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So without further ado, the chapter-

A regrettable notion on his part, for what Justin had seen, he wished he could forget. He looked on in shock at Avalon settled, in the grass, at the trunk of a tree.

Not just that though as a boy of curly brown hair lay on her lap. She stroked blissfully through his hair; they looked into each other's eyes without a care in the world.

"When, Ava? I need to know." The boy urged, his voice strained. He sat up abruptly before putting a hand on Avalon's waist. Justin did his best to keep composure. He needed to hear this.

The boy spoke again.
"I don't wanna hide it from anyone. Your body belongs to me and I want to shout that at the top of my lungs." He murmured sweetly, pressing his lips to her neck.

Avalon giggled at this and that was when Justin broke. She pushed the boy away from her neck with a smile before taking ahold of his hand. Her voice was soft and sweet as she spoke, a tone that Justin had gotten familiar with hearing when she talked with Aaron.

"I know, I'm yours, Eli. Please, understand that, okay? I'm yours." She whispered before leaning in to kiss the boy. He kissed back feverishly before they both lay in the grass, facing each other. His hand was strewn across her waist and her hand rested on his face as she slowly caressed him.

How Avalon got into an affair with Elliot in the first place- Part 6


'Where are you? I'm at your house with medicine?'~ Aaron.


It was all Avalon  could do as she hurried through the streets, her handbag hitting against her torso as she did so. It was all she could do, knowing what was waiting for her at her house in the  middle of the night. 

The Aaron Walker, her loyal boyfriend.

She had known he would come over to her house after the dinner and movie night, but she had never thought it would be this soon. It had barely been 3 hours when, usually, they would spend well past midnight in the company of their friends. Of course, Avalon should have known this would happen. Aaron had always, above all, prioritised her and her wellbeing. Knowing that, she should have known that he would give up on the friend's night if it meant he was with her. He would do it without hesitation and she let out a sigh of frustration as her heels clacked against the pavement. 

In any other instance, she would have smiled at the sentiment; she would have iterated his actions to the student body the next day to procure the looks of envy that fed her happiness, but that day was not today. Today, all she could feel was frustration as she ran further away from eyes of innocent brown and a smile that lit up a room. 

The memory of his hands on her and his lips so dangerously close were so vivid in her mind. And his words, she couldn't help but recall them as her heart rate picked up.

"I just see it so clearly- the way your face lights up when I compliment you like you've never heard words like that before and the way you're dismissing your beauty right now. That Aaron of yours is probably not giving you the affection you deserve and you're tolerating it." His voice was laced with agitation, his hand suddenly resting on her knee.

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