Bonus Chapter 14: All Worth It

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So without further ado, the chapter-

Justin cleared his throat, hiding the hand that held my arm.

"Can we come in?" He asked, gesturing to the inside of Aaron's house and, although the question in itself was polite, it seemed so blunt and cold coming off Justin's tongue.

Aaron nodded numbly before moving aside and allowing us entry. Justin took no time in dragging me inside and into the living room. Aaron followed closely behind, confusion apparent on his features. I could tell he knew this was no regular meet up. There were words that needed to be spoken.

Aaron's POV when Lexi and Justin visit his house after Sam's death


Desolate; empty, what other words could be used to describe how he felt inside? What other descriptors would be apt to explain the turmoil that wreaked within?

2 weeks. It had been a mere 2 weeks since his mother had left him.

He couldn't quite tell if it felt like an eternity had passed or if it still felt like that very morning when he had seen her vacant eyes.
Each time he thought to that memory, he would feel an unsettling misery in his stomach.

Even now, stood in the kitchen and doing the mundane task of grabbing lunch, he had to pause and recompose himself. When he usually felt this sad, he would often become violent, using physical means to exact his grief. But, right now, he couldn't find it in him to do that.

Not when his mind turned to Lexi.

As soon as he thought of her, all needs to break everything in his vicinity would dull down to a numbing ache. He would often think of how Lexi would feel if she saw him in that state and it would immediately dissuade him. But why?

Last he remembered, she had claimed she didn't care about him and that she had kissed Elliot. She had hurt him deeply but he still pined for her presence. He realised, after the death of his mother, how fleeting life was. If life became uncertain then what good would it do to dwell on such petty issues? Especially, when he so desperately needed Lexi in his life. He couldn't find it in him to shun her for what had happened. His need for her exceeded that.

Of course, he had made mistakes as well. In the midst of their argument, she had disclosed how he had uttered Avalon's name and he felt a pang in his chest as he remembered Lexi's face as she said those words.

He was stupid.

How could he have done such a thing to Lexi? He had promised not to hurt her but that was what he had ended up doing. He knew, he still had some lingering attachments with Avalon. He wouldn't call them love but they attached him to her, nonetheless. Out of habit or grief, whatever it was, he had called her name when with Lexi.

Indeed, he was stupid.

Still, he hoped Lexi would forgive him too because he couldn't stand to not be in her presence. Even if Lexi felt nothing for him, he wished to be close with her. He was willing to accept that she may not want him so long as she stayed by his side; definitely now, with all that had gone on.

He would have sunk deeper than into his thoughts about his mother and the dark promise of death had the knock on the door not caught his attention.

Not bothering to put on a shirt, he walked to the door with only sweatpants, expecting it either to be his friends or his aunt, coming to check on him. When he opened the door, the last thing he expected was her petite form on the other side of the door.

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