Chapter 9

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The room that you were in was big. You were guessing that this might of been a squad leaders room, and the room Levi was in was probably the commanders room.

In the far left corner there was a bed against the left wall, half underneath the large windows that stretched across the far wall. To your right there is a small but tall closet with a single door that had a full length morrow in it, and next to it was a chest of drawers. A little across from that was a door which seemed to go into a bathroom. There was also a desk in the left corner with a oil lamp.

You looked in the chest of drawers and saw there was what looked like pajamas and a few sets of the scout uniform.

I'm guessing Petra did this...Wait do they think I'm a scout?

You ran a bath, considering it was too cold for a shower. You got into your pajamas and looked out the window, there was a nice view of the forest from your room.

You flopped onto the bed which seemed to have freshly cleaned sheets and soon fell asleep.


You woke up and looked out the window, it still seemed pretty dark, although there was some orange beginning to show on the horizon. You guessed it was about four in the morning. You definitely weren't Going back to bed. You quickly took a shower, although you were freezing when you got out, put on a new uniform and looked in the mirror, it was weird that you saw a anime character now instead of a normal person.

You got up and walked down the halls, trying to remember the way to the mess hall. Eventually you found the corridor that leads to the mess hall. You slowly opened the mess hall door and saw Hangi still talking to Eren. You remembered what she tried to do with you and Levi yesterday morning while you were in the bath. She's gonna die.

You walked up behind her while she was still talking, you grabbed her shoulders and clamped down hard on them, this made her stop talking. You stood over her, your hair shadowing your eyes and you could even feel the murderous aura around you. You seemed to get a lot scarier when you came to the Attack on Titan World, like a lot scarier. But you knew if you didn't stop her now she would always try get you and Levi together.

"Hey Hangi, how are you? Well remember what you did to me yesterday while I was in the bath...", You said sadistically leaning down to her ear, she stuttered out," N-no, what do you mean!?"

"Oh well... I'll leave you alone for today because you are going to be quite upset later...", you said, knowing that her titans would be killed in a few minutes probably. You stood up straight and looked at Eren with a smile. He looked pretty scared.

"Hey Eren, don't worry about that, Shitty-glasses here just did something that she's gonna get payback for yesterday.", you said walking away from them towards the kitchen. You soon heard Hangi resume telling Eren about the experiments. As you walked away you hear Hangi mumble, "She is sometimes scarier than Levi".

You walked into the kitchen and you saw Levi with his eyes closed and a cup of tea in his hand, leaning against the wooden counter with a teapot next to him. You walked towards him, guessing he knew it was you. You leaned against the counter on the other side of the teapot.

"Mind if I have have a cup?", you said looking over at Levi. He opened his eyes and looked ahead of him.

"Go ahead" he said taking a sip of his tea. You watched how he held his tea, it was so interesting. How did he do that without the cup touching his nose or spilling?

He looked over to you and saw you staring at his cup.

"What are you staring at brat.", he said still looking at you.

Suicidal Thoughts (Levi x Reader AoT)Where stories live. Discover now