Chapter 4

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"HOW AM I A ANIME CHARACTER AND HOW THE HELL DID I NOT NOTICE?", you yelled while looking in the mirror. You really did now look like a anime character.

You eyes now looked like anime eyes, they weren't really huge, they were around about the same size as Mikasa's eyes, and they were a slightly bright shade of (e/c), with thick dark eye lashes. Your hair seemed to be a little bit longer, as well as it was shiny and looked soft. Your skin was perfectly clear and your were thin. As well as you looked a few centimeters shorter.

You had also noticed, that your breasts had grown it seemed.Typical anime for ya...

Wow so this is what I look in anime standards... Is this what the average slightly ugly person looks like around here? Because I think I look pretty good...

"What do you mean you look like a anime character?", Hangi interrupted your train of thought.

"Great now I need to explain my entire world to her...", You mumbled to yourself.

"In my world, we don't look like this, we have more... Detail... But I can't show you because I'm not allowed to use any of the stuff in my bag until you guys trust me I'm guessing... But when I ambitious will show you guys pictures of the sea, which is a huge amount of water, so far you can't even see the opposite side, and the desert which is just sand as far as you can see.... And also I might have a picture of what I used to look like before...this.", You tell her still looking in the mirror. You pat your now flat stomach. Wait, do I feel abs??

You pull your shirt half way up to reveal your stomach. There you can see a six pack, they weren't extremely defined, but they sure were there.

"Uh (y/n), what are you doing and why are you smiling?", Hangi asked, obviously not knowing you were looking at your abs.

"Because I've got a six pack!", You said turning around, with your shirt still half way up.

"Uh okay...Well how about we go see Erwin now, he said he wanted to see you when you woke up!", Hangi said.

"Oh Eyebrows? Sure let's go, I wanna see more of this place anyways.", you replied, walking towards the door with Hangi behind you.

"Wait! I've always wanted to do this!", You said stopping on the spot and turning towards Hangi.

"Huh?", Hangi said, looking confused.

You stood straight up in your uniform and faced Hangi, looking straight forward.

You then did the 'King's Salute' and shouted.

"For humanity!"

Hangi burst out into laughter." Wow (y/n), how and why do you know how to do that"

"Well I saw it in the anime... As well as since I started watching the anime I wanted to be in the Survey Corps, I'm not afraid of dying and I don't have anything to live for so why not die being a part of the people saving humanity... As well as I really wanna try the 3D maneuver gear, your basically flying!", you said with excitement in your voice, thinking you might get to use one.

"Wow (y/n), life really seems to suck in your eyes, but come on let's get going already, they are probably already waiting already.", she said before yanking you by the wrist down all the corridors again.


You eventually reached a door at the end of the passage you are in, which you were guessing was Erwin's office.

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