Berg Newspaper Headline

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( Dated 24, May, 850, Respectively )

By: Trixy100

May 24, year 850, Wednesday

The leader of the suspected cult that roamed the streets of Trost exactly a month ago was finally captured, along with the remaining few of his followers. Some of them were reportedly seen fighting against some of the Scouting Legion members, led by none other than Erwin Smith, himself. After being inflicted with injuries due to the fight, some of them were sent to the Hospital, which was, in turn, being heavily guarded by the Military Police.

The leader, who still refused to reveal his name, was sent to a dungeon and was currently being interrogated by the Police as to his motives for causing such havoc to the peaceful city and utter panic to the hearts of the citizens.

Their alleged prisoners, including Berg Publication House news veterans CutieStar36, who was thought to be dead, Rosie8833, who spread the falls news regarding Saturn's Month as a means of a cover - up of the cult's dastardly ploys, and the witnesses of the one incident that started it all, which were some of the local merchants and citizens of Trost, were all released by an unknown person who was the first one to go to the cult's hideout, which was the city's abandoned theatre.

"I was kidnapped, tortured, humiliated!" CutieStar36 revealed. "They can burn all the missives I send to all these loyal people, but no one, not even King Fritz, himself, could stop me from spreading the truth. It is the least I could do since I could never fight Titans like the Scouting Legion members. I will continue sharing the truth, for the sake of humanity!"

"It's not my fault!" Rosie8833 said in an interview. She was, at first, unwilling to participate. But, now that she had a change of heart, she's willing to partake with us some of the truth she knows regarding the cult. "They ambushed us! Took over the publishing house, and threatened to kill me if I don't do something to keep the public in the dark. I had to do it, I swear! Or else, they'll also murder our families. They'll let none of us alive!"

It was also revealed in an interview with Rosie8833 that the cult was once formed by the King as some unit that was tasked with the execution of certain, important people. Who were they? Is this even the truth? We would never know, until their leader decides to speak of the truth. Until then, the upcoming Expedition of the Scouting Legion was suspended until further notice. It was for the purpose of questioning the members who were allegedly involved with the cult, including the Commander, and Captain Levi Ackerman, who was reported to be the center of this deathly fiasco.

For now, keep yourselves alerted with these strange events. Never fear to report anything that is out of the ordinary to our good Military Police, who will always be here to lend us protection. And most of all, keep you and your loved ones safe. We are at a dark age of our small and fragile world. It seems that the Titans were not our only enemies, as more and more of these anomalies start plaguing humanity.

Humanity is slowly getting extinguished. We must keep our eyes open, at all costs.

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