(F/N)'s Diary

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*Some of the changes in Captain Levi within these past five days;

1. He eats a lot. More than usual? I don't know. I have to confirm it from Ms. Hange first. He does eat a lot, though, usually even more than Squad Leader Zacharius.

2. He gets sleepy most of the time. I sleep for 7 to 8 hours. Captain Levi sleeps for 12 hours. I remember once when I slept that long. When I woke up, I had a freaking headache. But, after sleeping for 12 hours, Captain seems to be sleepier than ever before. He didn't complain whatsoever of headaches. The only thing he complained a lot, was that he was so sleepy and tired.

3. Yes, he gets tired more than usual. After doing rounds of unsuccessful weightlifting ( how heavy, I would not state, it's just that, I, myself, could lift heavier ), he would complain of fatigue. Then he would order me to fetch him food ( of course, twice the usual serving ), then after that, he'll get drowsy and sleep on the job again.

4. Is it me or is he really getting fatter? Okay, I don't like to dwell on that. He was trying his best to exercise to stay fit, and it was a really huge effort on his part. But, the others are beginning to notice. I must ask Ms. Hange to deal with that problem of his. For if not, our secret may possibly be revealed. Not that I don't like him looking like that. I still adore him ( yes, stupid me ), but what will happen if the others find out about his problem? What will they think of him? Will they still adore him as Humanity's Strongest Soldier?

*Things Captain Levi hates

1. Me. Do I have to stress it out?

2. Filth. I make it a point to thoroughly clean myself before entering his office. I even eat mints even though he doesn't make me talk most of the time. The times he does, though, it was only to ask some questions regarding work. I also try my best to meet his standards in cleaning, which was really sky - high, if I may say so, myself. Because of him, I now put on twice as much deodorant as I can to not make him sniff me again. Okay, for the hundredth time, I don't smell! I don't know what his problem with hygiene was, but whatever it was, I must try my hardest to meet his standards. So, I get up an hour early to give myself a very thorough cleaning.

3. Tardiness. He warned me about this. But, I was never late in my entire life before. So, there you go,...

4. Sweets. I have to stress this out. He detest all kinds of sweet stuff. I noticed this when a new girl who graduated just recently gave him a box of chocolates, wanting to be noticed. He threw it in the trash can afterwards. I noticed how he avoided sweet things and beverages in the mess hall, too. So, he must've liked coffee. But, no. He hates it, too. I can still remember that. I'll have to observe him more to know what his favorite beverage is.

5. He also hates untidy things. Yesterday, he was cursing and talking to himself. He had another meeting with Hange for another batch of tests wherein she took another sample of his blood and made him do exercises, such as jumping - jacks and push - ups. He said her room was effing filthier than ever, he would not set foot in it if she doesn't keep her room neat and clean.

I have written quite enough. Tomorrow, I'll try asking the Commander what Captain Levi likes ( well, I can't ask Ms. Hange. she thinks I'm obsessed, I can't let her confirm it further, as it is ), but I'm just doing my job, okay?! I'm Captain Levi's assistant now, and I have to help him in any way I can while he is still weak. Also, that,...

( the following sentences are so badly written and erased that even a scholar of Erwin Smith's degree couldn't possibly decipher it )

Okay, that's it! Good night.

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