Berg Newspaper Headlines

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( Dated 25 April, 850 and 26 April, 850, Respectively )

"Mysterious Hooded Figures Spotted In The Outskirts Of Trost District"

By CutieStar36

April 25, year 850, Tuesday

Locals of Trost report sightings of numerous hooded figures roaming the District since Sunday of the month of April, year 850. Some even say that these so called "Ghouls" were in pursuit of some people from the local military branch. The reason of these strange occurrences remain unknown up to this day.

"Aye!Aye! The hooded bastards be like,... seven - foot tall! They be wanderin' 'round these streets for days on end, a - waitin' for somethin'. What's that? I dunno. Just thinkin' of them, I shiver in me boots!" a local fishmonger claimed upon interview.

"I remember Captain Levi walking the streets that day." the lady who owns a fruit stand in the Trost Marketplace claimed. "There were gunshots, and, oh my God! I had to run for it. I have children to feed. I don't want to die. But a hooded figure stopped me from running and pointed a gun at me! Oh, my God! After the noise, the man said to me, you're one lucky bitch, and left, just like that! Oh, my God! Where's the Military Policemen when you need them? I don't want to die! I'd move back to Shiganshina if I have to! But, I can't because of the Titans! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!"

"Yeah, I remember that." a young lady who lived right next to the Marketplace claimed. "I saw Captain Levi, yes! I saw him! I saw him! I want him to notice me, and,... oh, I should only state what happened? Oh, sorry,... So, I saw Captain Levi and I remember hearing shouting, I'm not so sure but, I think I heard a man and a woman scream. Then I saw these black - cloaked figures coming out of the alleys and going after the location of the screams. There was a gunshot, and I saw men in horseback. Then, after that, I don't really remember. Because one of the cloaked - things pointed a gun at me, preventing me from running. I was so scared."

The strange hooded figures, screams, gunshots, the threats on the innocent locals, and Captain Levi.

Could the locals be referring to the Captain Levi Ackerman of the most renowned Scouting Legion, Humanity's Strongest Soldier? If so, what is his connection to these hooded figures who still roam the outskirts of Trost District, wreaking havoc and panic among the citizens? Are these some unknown enemies threatening the elimination of humankind's ace towards the victory from the Titans we so longed for? Or did the Captain, himself, gain enemies for a reason so scandalous, it was enough to put innocent lives in danger? What is his true connection to them?

I firmly advise everyone who reads this to spread the word, to always keep safe and to stay away from the places where these horrifying creatures could possibly be. Until we find out the reason behind these strange occurrences, nobody,... is safe.

"Local Citizens Dress Up As Hooded Figures To Drive Away Evil Spirits"

By Rosie8833

April 26, year 850, Wednesday

The strange hooded figures who reportedly roam the streets of Trost terrorizing locals turn out to be nothing more but fellow locals, teenagers in particular, who dress in such attires to drive evil away from the country.

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