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                Klaus and Kol sat in the Mikaelson mansion, drinking bourbon. "Do you love Kate?" Klaus asked, shocking both of the brothers.

"Of course I love her," Kol laughed, tipping his head back. "Why do you ask such a question?"

"I don't know. In the midst of Andre and Genevieve, you seem to be detaching yourself from her," Klaus shrugged. Kol that about it, and to his dismay, Klaus was right. Kol had vowed when he first reconnected with Kate that he would stand by her side at all times. With the storm that was Andre, Kol had taken a step back and let her fight on her own. Kol groaned. It was no wonder Kate had such a hard time trusting him.

"Brother, I believe you are correct," Kol joked, standing up and walking out to meet the love of his life.

Meanwhile, Kate sat in some hole-in-the-wall bar on the outskirts of Mystic Falls. It had driven her crazy to not be able to leave the small town, but there wasn't much she could do about it. She swished the last of her drink around in the glass, bored out of her mind.

"Is bourbon still your drink of choice?" a voice chirped from behind her. Kate placed the glass down, but didn't bother turning to face her visitor.

"Patricia Gordon," Kate chorused, "it's been a while." Patricia took a seat next to Kate and leaned on the bar.

"Well, let's see, you murdered me in the 50s, so it'd have to be 60 years or so?" she mocked. Kate took the last sip of her drink.

"Are you too upset that you didn't kill me last week?" Kate retorted, "Did you come to finish the job?"

Patricia grabbed Kate's hand, sending magic through her body. Kate cried out in pain as Patricia reached her hand up to Kate's skull. "On the contrary," she said sadistically, "I'm here to have some fun just like back in the day."

Kate felt every part of her body become alert and then shut off as if nothing had happened. Patricia had reached into Kate's subconscious and manually flipped her humanity switch. Kate's eyes flew open in shock, but then relaxed as they took in the surrounding.

"Go on," Patricia encouraged, "dig in." Kate didn't need to be told twice: she sped over to some innocent girl by the bar and tore into her throat. Kate drank the girl until her veins shriveled up from dehydration. Leaning her head back in ecstasy, Kate tore into another poor soul. The ripper was back, and she was hungrier than ever.

Nobody could find Kate. Kol, Klaus, Stefan, and Damon had all been searching for hours. They had regrouped in the town square, but they had no clue where to look now. "Do you find it odd that all of these people seem to be heading off into the same direction," Klaus asked. As Damon looked more closely, he noticed that Klaus was right. About forty people seemed to be walking towards the same place. Kol walked over to one and pulled him aside.

"Where are you lot headed to?" he compelled.

"We're all going to the school for the feast," the man answered, shrugging Kol off and continuing on his way. The four men sped off to the school where they were met with about one hundred people of Mystic Falls. They all sat in the cafeteria, talking as if nothing was going on. As Damon surveyed the room, he saw something that shocked him.

"Who's that?" Stefan asked.

"Just your run of the mill dead witch that's made their way back from the other side," Damon joked, despite the situation. Patricia spotted them and sauntered over.

"She must have slipped through the opening like Andre and Genevieve," Stefan concluded.

"Have you come to join us?" Patricia asked.

"What's going on here?" Damon asked.

"Just a little meal for a friend of mine," she answered cryptically.

"And who would that friend be?" Damon asked, getting impatient.

"Here she come now," Patricia answered, pointing across the room. Kate sauntered in, looking at all of her potential victims. She leaned next to a guy with blonde hair and whispered something in his ear before sinking her teeth into his neck. Damon almost fainted at the sight.

"What did you do to her?" Kol spat.

"I loosened her up a little bit," Patricia shrugged, admiring her own handiwork.

Kol ran up to Kate and pulled her off of the poor victim. "What are you doing?" he hissed. Kate smiled, revealing blood that was dripping down her face.

"Oh, come on, don't pretend you haven't done it," she teased. Kate grabbed the man's wrist and offered it to Kol. "You used to love this," she whispered seductively. Kol stared at the man's wrist, and then back at Kate. He could hear his pulse in his ears, the idea of blooding tempting his worst intentions. When he looked at Kate, though, he saw the girl that he changed for. He saw the girl he fought to be better for. Reaching out, Kol put his hands on Kate's shoulders. In a second, he'd snapped her neck, catching her body as it fell to the floor.

"Let's get her out of here!" he called. 

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