Shut Up

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Kate and Jeremy walked into the decade dance together. They decided to go as friends. It was comforting to Kate to have someone to keep Kol away from her. She was hoping she'd have fun tonight, and forget about all of the Original drama.

"I'm going to get some drinks," Jeremy said just as a slow song started to play. She was fine with that. Jeremy was like a little brother to her, and she didn't really want to slow dance with him. A gust of wind hit her.

"You look stunning," Kol whispered. Kate didn't even bother turning around.

"I didn't think you'd show up tonight."

"And miss another chance of experiencing the twenties?" he spun her around to face him. "Dance with me."

"Sorry, I brought a date."

"I'm sure little Gilbert won't mind one dance." Kate thought it over. If she got it over with now, it might pacifier Kol for the rest of the night.

"Fine, one dance and that's it." Kol smiled and led her to the dance floor. He put his arms around her and they started to dance. Kate looked everywhere except at Kol.

"I hate that we couldn't have lived through the twenties together," he mused. "You would have loved it." He spun her around.

"I wouldn't change a thing." Kol's usual smirk fell.

"I know that you hate me, but please just try to give me a chance. I know that there's still a flame left from our love. The smallest flame can start a fire."

"How could I ever trust you after what you tried to do?"



"Listen to me for once. Yes, I tried to kill you that night, but for a reason. I wanted to live with you forever, and I knew that I couldn't wait another day. I knew at that moment that I couldn't go another day without the promise of a life with you forever. I didn't want to wait any longer. I did it because I loved you. I still love you." Kate didn't say anything, she just stared at him. "You're lying to yourself if you think there's nothing there."

"There's nothing, Kol. There's absolutely nothing." He looked into her eyes.

"Of course there's something. You showed me that you still loved me the other day, after I saved you. If there's anything there, you'll go on a date with me," he compelled. Compelling Kate was a risky move. When she lived with the Originals, it was an unspoken rule that you didn't compel her.

"Will you go on a date with me?" Kol asked.

"Yes," Kate whispered. Kol smiled at his triumph.

"Come on," he said, leading her out of the dance.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"We're going on our date."

Kol and Kate were at a college party just outside of Mystic Falls. "What are we doing here," Kate asked impatiently. Kol led her inside.

"We're getting a drink," he grinned. Kol danced with Kate to the beat of the bass before grabbing the arm of a random girl. "Don't scream," he compelled. He then started drinking from her neck. After a few seconds, he looked up. He had blood all over his mouth. "Come on," he encouraged.

Kate just stood there before biting the other side of the girl's neck. Kol grinned and went back to his side. Having blood in her system made Kate a bit looser.

Kate grabbed a frat guy near her by the arm and shoved him against the wall. "This won't hurt," she compelled. She drank the blood from his wrist.

This went on for a while. Kol and Kate drank the blood from everyone at the party. The only drank enough for them to pass out. Eventually, the whole party was passed out on the ground.

"I think we did well," Kol laughed. Kate sped up to him.

"Oh shut up," she demanded before shoving him up against a wall and planting a bloody kiss on his lips. He sped and turned it around so she was against the wall. The kiss became hungrier as they made out in a pile of bodies.

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