I'll Never Leave You

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Damon and Klaus regrouped at the Salvatore house, unsure of what to do with Kate. "How are we supposed to handle this?" Damon asked.

"We get Kol out of Mystic Falls," Klaus stated as if it were completely obvious. 

"And how are we supposed to do that? Plus, what's to stop her from leaving?" Damon argued. Klaus shook his head.

"Do you have a better plan? If not then I think we have to go with mine," Klaus stated. Damon slammed his fist on the table before an idea came to him. "What's that look on your face for?" Klaus asked quizzically.

"I think I know somebody who could make your plan a possibility," Damon mused.

Meanwhile, Kol and Kate were on the hunt for their next meal. At least, Kate was. "Come on," Kol groaned. 

"No," Kate snapped.

"Why can't we do something other than feed? Is blood all I'm good for?" he joked.

"Well it's not your pleasant company," Kate muttered. Kol slammed her against a building and grinned evilly. 

"What was that?" he asked.

Kate put on an obviously fake smile before twisting his arm behind his back at vamp speed. "Don't think you're in charge here," she hissed before letting him go. Kol laughed. 

"I still can't get over this new you. What ever happened to the innocent Kate who'd never hurt a fly?" he mused.

"She grew up, died. I've been on the run for the last century, it takes its toll on you," she shrugged. A serious look soon crossed Kol's face.

"On the run from me?" he asked.

"Kol-" Kate started before he grabbed her hand. It wasn't forceful, either. It was soft, almost human.

"Why'd you think you had to run from me?" he asked innocently. Kate looked around, not wanting to do this in public.

"I'll tell you everything, Kol, but not here," she promised before speeding off.

Bonnie sat in the middle of the Salvatore house with spell books scattered around her. "Do you think you can do it?" Damon asked impatiently. Bonnie slammed a book shut.

"I can prevent Kol from staying in Mystic Falls, but I don't know what you want me to do about Kate," Bonnie explained.

"Make sure she can't follow him," Damon hissed. Elena put her hand on Damon's arm, immediately calming him down. 

"I can't just make her forget about him, and while I'll be able to block out his compulsion I can't block out texts or calls. The only thing I can think of is casting a spell that would trap her in Mystic Falls, but that could come back to haunt us. If something bad comes into the town, like it always seems to do, Kate won't be able to get out safely," Bonnie explained. Damon put his head in his hands.

"What about compulsion?" Stefan asked. Everyone in the room stared at him.

"You want to compel her?" Damon asked.

"I mean, then she wouldn't be able to leave, but you could give her some sort of word or person or whatever so she could if she had to," Stefan explained.

"Could you do that?" Damon asked Klaus. He shrugged.

"As long as she's not on vervain I don't see why not." 

Kol and Kate sat in the middle of the cemetery with nobody around. "You've always had a thing for these types of places," Kol mused. Kate leaned up against a statue.

"What can I say? They're private."

"Can you explain it to me now?" Kol asked, getting straight to the point. Kate sighed.

"Fine. I ran from you because you killed me," she stated simply.

"Is that it?" he asked.

"What were you expecting?"

"I don't know, something other than I killed you," he groaned in annoyance.

"Forgiving me for thinking the love of my life turning into a monster was just cause for hiding," she retaliated. Kol sped close to her so that there were only a few inches between them.

"Monster?" he asked simply.

"I thought I knew you. I never thought you'd hurt me. I've heard you talk about the torment of being a vampire, why would you ever do the same to me?" she cried, tears threatening to spill. Kol grabbed her by the shoulders, as if she would crumble if he didn't support her.

"An eternity with you meant more to me than any suffering. In my own twisted way, this was me ensuring that I would never lose you. The thought of you dying was more painful than any stake or dagger," he whispered. Kate looked at him with a sincerity in her eyes that proved that she hadn't changed much from that innocent girl she was. Those eyes brought Kol back to a time when they'd had similar conversations.

Kate stared at him, seeing the man she fell in love with so long ago. At this point, she could never imagine running away from him. The thought of being away from Kol was agonizing. Kate kissed him softly like she used to before pulling away and taking his hands. "Don't leave me," she whispered. Kol smiled at her genuinely.

"I'll never leave you," he promised. 

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