81. "Coffee."

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"Sherlock!" I called as I walked into the flat.

"Gotta dash," he said pulling his coat on.

"Okay," I shrugged. He ran out the door then returned a second later. "What?" I asked.

"Let's go!" he urged.

"What? Sherlock, I'm really tired and just want to sleep." I frowned. He stood there and sighed, putting his head down. "I'm sorry." I said and pulled off my coat, walking back to our bedroom. As I kicked off my shoes and curled into bed I heard Sherlock in the kitchen, pacing.

"Lestrade. Yeah. Sorry I can't make it- I, uh. I'm feeling a bit under the weather. Yeah. It's nothing to worry about, I'm sure I can... uh... kick it!" he said with fake enthusiasm. "Thanks." He said and I heard him walk through the hallway and I rolled over to see him kicking off his shoes.

"What're you doing?" I asked.

"You're tired. I said I wasn't leaving your side." He defended.

"That doesn't mean you have to stay home, Sherlock!" I groaned.

"I feel like you don't want me to be home." He said.

"Oh my god. You're an idiot." I sighed.

"I am? Ha, you are tired." Sherlock remarked. I glared at him as he laid down next to me and pulled me into his arms. "I love you." He said.

"Whatever." I grumbled into his chest.

"Nice to know you feel the same." He answered.


I woke up about three hours later and Sherlock was still awake, his arms around my waist. I looked at his chest where my face had been and noticed a small damp spot on his shirt.

"Oh god, I drooled. I'm so sorry-,"

"It's alright." He shrugged. I climbed out of bed and he unbuttoned his shirt as I stood up straight and stretched.

"Can I go get a coffee?" I asked.

"I'll go." He shrugged putting on his navy-blue shirt.

"I wanna go, you don't have to-,"

"We'll go together." He smiled.


"Please just stop arguing! Gosh," he sighed. I nodded and he grabbed me my coat and held it open for me to shrug into. I did so and he slid on his before we left the flat. As we walked down the sidewalk, he kept his arm around me and we walked into Speedy's downstairs and Sherlock didn't get anything as we sat down at a small table in the middle of the room.

"Why didn't you get anything?" I asked.

"I'm not really hungry." He responded. I nodded and continued to eat as he looked around the shop. I noticed he was staring in one direction for a long period of time so I turned to see the man coming over with my vanilla cappuccino.

"Thank you," I smiled at the man as he sat my mug down.

"You're very welcome. Let me know if you need anything else." He smiled. Sherlock cocked his head to one side watching the man as he nodded to Sherlock, then walked back behind the counter.

"Ballsy." He said.

"What?" I asked after taking a small sip of the hot liquid.

"Your husband is sitting right across from you and he has no problem speaking with his-,"

"Sherlock!" I scolded quietly.

"Sorry." He said.

"That's why you wanted to go with me? To insult someone who is just doing their job."

"If his job is to impregnate you he should be fired-,"

"You already beat him to that. You're not making any sense." I glared.

"He's looking at you like you're some type of treat-,"

"I am!"

"Not for him!" Sherlock yelled and the man looked over, as well as Mr. Chatterjee and Mrs. Hudson.

"Sorry, for him." I apologized and they all nodded as if they understood.

"William Sherlock Scott-,"

"Don't." he warned.

"Holmes." I sneered. He sighed and put his head down.

"Can I get a coffee, black two sugars please." He sighed knowing I was about to go off on him. 


What more could I do with a pregnant Liz? I'm struggling cause with being pregnant you can't do some things... Hmm.

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