2. "Friends"

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I felt someone shaking my shoulder, and I opened my eyes to see John.

"We're not working today," he said, and I looked at him confused. "Sara's got the office under control. Sherlock needs my help on a case,"

I looked past John to Sherlock who was sliding on his long black coat and tying his blue scarf around his neck.

"Oh, alright," I responded. They both went dashing out the door, and I grabbed my phone from my pocket to see a text from my friend Tori. I called her as I slid on my jacket and walked down the stairs.

"Hey, how are you?" Tori asked answering her phone.

"Pretty good, yourself?"

"Wonderful. What're you doing today?" Tori asked.

"That's what I was gonna ask you. I have nothing to do today, so if you wanted to go hang out tonight..." I suggested.

"Oh sure. Uhm... there's some circus type thing going on. I can call us reservations?" she asked.

"Sure, sounds interesting."

"Yeah, that's what I thought. They're in town for one night only." She said. I walked down the street and got a cab.

"Alright, well I'll see you tonight. Text me the location and how much the tickets are." I said, and we hung up as I called my other friend, Beth.

"Hey Liz, did you get that job?" I sat there for a minute and thought about the last place I told her I had an interview with... oh yeah that Nando's place.

"Um yeah!" I lied.

"Finally!" she laughed.

"Yeah, do you wanna run to the library with me?" I asked.

"What for?" she asked, and I rolled my eyes.

"Just for something to do. I was going to see if they were selling any of their old books." I sighed.

"Oh, I can be there in fifteen?"

"Works for me, see you there," I said as the cab driver took me to the library.

I walked to the entrance and saw Beth standing in the lobby. Her long red hair falling down her back, and her bright green eyes glowed behind her glasses.

"Hey," she said.

"Hey, thanks for meeting me. I've just wanted to talk to someone and catch up." I smiled.

"Oh, I understand completely. I moved into a flat across town, complete freaks." She said making me laugh and think about Sherlock. "What?"

"Nothing, I just thought about- Sherlock!" I said seeing him run past the aisle we were in. Beth looked at her, and Sherlock wasn't there.

"Sherlock?" she asked. "As in Sherlock Holmes? The detective?" I stood there and looked at the end of the bookcase, and he didn't come back.

"Sorry, I thought I saw him." I rolled my eyes and pulled a book off the shelf next to me. I peered through and saw Sherlock. "Holy hell!" I jumped. A moment later, Sherlock came around the shelf.

"You're a little jumpy Liz," he commented.

"I didn't expect to see you," I responded to him. He looked at Beth, then back to me.

"I advise you come with me," he said.


"This woman isn't your friend. She's the one who told everyone you know about your struggle to find a job. And she's already texted... oh... three other friends that you're working at a Nando's." he said, and I looked at Beth with wide eyes, her eyes were wide as well.

"I...I-," she stuttered, and I laughed.

"You've got to be kidding me." I sighed.

"This way Liz," Sherlock said. I shook my head at her and ran after Sherlock, John following behind.

"You humiliated her!" John scolded Sherlock.

"The bitch deserved it." I snapped. Sherlock and John both stopped walking and eyed me closely. "Too much?" I asked.

"Not at all," Sherlock smirked as I walked with them to a cab.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Home." Sherlock piped.

"Home? I thought we needed to get the books from Van Coon and Lukis?" John asked.

"Oh, don't worry Detective Inspector Dimwit is having the books taken to the flat." Sherlock smiled

"Dimmock... Detective Inspector Dimmock, Sherlock." John corrected him. Sherlock and I smirked. "Oh you two are ridiculous," he remarked.

We got to the flat and Sherlock began going through book after book, and after about two hours John began getting tired.

"I need to get some air to the brain. We're going out tonight." Sherlock finally sighed.

"Actually- I've got a date," John responded, and I smiled at him.

"Oh! Who!" I asked.

"Sara." He responded.

"Awe cute!" I responded.

"What?" Sherlock sighed.

"It's where two people who like each other go out and have fun. You should try it." I explained to Sherlock and John laughed. "Where are you taking her?" I asked.

"Ah, cinema." He responded.

"You'll have a great time. Meanwhile, I'm going out too." I said, and Sherlock looked at me.

"Where on earth are you going?" he sassed.

"Circus," I responded, and Sherlock's eyes lit up. 


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