70. "Guest Room."

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"Good morning Liz," I heard Molly's voice from above me.

"Yeah, morning." I groaned sitting up in John and Mary's guest bed.

"Thanks for staying with me. I wanted to watch Rosie, but the explosion..." I said.

"No, it's fine." She smiled at me.

"Where's Sherlock and John?"

"They left."


"He left too."

"How? How was I the only one who got hurt?" I asked.

"Mrs. Hudson is a little banged up as well but it looked like you were worse, yes." She said.

"Figures." I sighed.

"Where's Rosie?" I asked.

"Just put her down for a nap. I'm heading in to work, Sherlock mentioned he'd be back by tomorrow morning. Can you handle it? Or would you like me to stop by?"

"I can handle it. Thank you," I said.

"Of course. What're friends for?" She smiled.

"Molly?" I asked.


"You're a great person, I hope you know that."

"Yeah, I try." She responded as she grabbed her purse and walked out of the house with a small wave. I walked out to the living room and sat down on the couch. I looked down at my phone to see Sherlock texted me earlier,

"Get well. See you in the morning. -SH"

And that's as caring as he gets. I sighed and responded,

"I will. I love you."

I sat there and watched a few TV shows when I dozed off again.

I jolted awake at the sound of Rosie's wailing. I looked at the clock to see it was four in the morning. Gosh, I don't think I'm ready to have children. Then again, I am with Sherlock Holmes. He and I never really did talk about it. Do I want children? Little Sherlock's running around dissecting spiders and any other crawling things on the floor... Or their own arm... Yeah, maybe not. After hearing the story of Sherlock's sister I'm a little frightened. Though the kid isn't just his, I'd be a part of it as well... That's even scarier.

I walked down to Rosie's nursery and lifted her from her crib. After a diaper change, I walked to the kitchen and began mixing her a bottle. As I lifted the bottle to her mouth there was a knock at the door. That was, hopefully, John. I walked over and opened it to see Sherlock.

"Sherlock? Where's John?" I asked.

"He's staying at Baker Street tonigh-well this morning. I wanted to stay with you." He said.

"Oh. Okay." I smiled as I bounced Rosie on my hip.

"Could I?" Sherlock asked nodding to Rosie. I handed her to him and he held her close. "Shhh," Sherlock cooed to her. I watched as he bounced her in his arms like I had been doing.

"Here, I was feeding her." I said handing him the bottle. He stuck it between her lips then looked at me.

"Where were you sleeping?"

"The guest room,"

"Okay. Go lie down. I'll be in soon," he said.


"Go." He pushed. I nodded and walked back to the guest room, climbing in the bed. I listened to the baby monitor as I heard Sherlock, "There you are dear. Go to sleep." He said softly. I heard his steps echoing down the hall and rolled over to face the door. "You don't look to bad for someone who recently got blown up." He said taking off his coat.

"Thanks. Glad you noticed." I smiled at him.

"Should I keep my shirt on?"

"You don't have to keep anything on if you don't want to." I said before fully thinking about my statement. He smirked and unbuttoned his shirt.

"Not at John's house," Sherlock laughed as he sat his things on the chair in the back of the room before he removed his belt and climbed in with me.

"I guess that's fair," I smirked curling close to his body. He put his arms around me and I watched his lips as he spoke.

"I'm so glad I still have you."

"You never lost me." I said pressing a kiss to his lips. He held me close and returned the kiss aggressively. "Sher-," he rolled on top of me and kissed from my lips to my cheek, jaw, neck and collarbone before I put my hands to his chest. "Stop. You're teasing." I practically panted from the contact. He smirked into my neck and placed on last kiss on my neck.

"I think I left a mark..." he said running his finger over a spot on my neck.

"Lovely. How do I explain that to John?"

"You say I destroyed you in bed-,"

"Don't get ahead of yourself..."

"Oh really?" he quirked an eyebrow at me.

"Wanna find out?" I smirked.

"Oh god yes,"


I know it's short but I'm struggling for ideas and I don't know why. :)

comment and vote as usual! :)

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