18. "I Saw It."

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Liz's POV

John sent me a text about Kirsty Stapleton; her mother specializes in genetic manipulation. Meaning her mother probably made a fluorescent gene and spliced it into the animal or something along the lines of that. Sherlock still wasn't absolutely sure.

They came in to pick me up and we went to Henry's home. It was huge. A four-story stone building and was old fashioned. It was beautiful. Sherlock and I walked up to the house side by side, John in front of us. John rang the bell and Henry opened the door,

"Hi." He said.

"Hi," John replied.

"Come in, come in," Henry said pushing the door farther open. I smiled at Henry and Sherlock wiped his feet on the doormat before walking in and heading down the hall.

"This is, uh ... Are you, um... rich?" John asked. I smirked at how John asked.

"Yeah," Henry responded.

"Right," John said.

"Hot," I added. Sherlock turned to look at me, and John smirked.

"Hot?" Sherlock asked.

"Attractive, sexy-,"

"Please stop." Sherlock snapped, and I smirked to John before touching Henry's arm with a smile. "Hands to your sides or I'll use them on an experiment." Sherlock glared. I eyed him as Henry led us to a kitchen Sherlock hung behind to walk with me. "What the hell-," I rolled my eyes and as we were alone in the hallway I pushed him up against the wall and kissed him.

"That's what you get for leaving me at the Inn," I shrugged. He took a moment to re-collect himself and straighten his jacket before walking into the kitchen. Henry offers us all tea and Sherlock places two sugar cubes into his mug, stirring them. Sherlock and John sat at the stools of the island in the center of the kitchen as I stood across from them next to Henry, not taking a mug of tea.

"It's-it's a couple of words. It's what I keep seeing. "Liberty"..." Henry began. I noticed John reach into his pocket to grab a notebook.

"Liberty," John repeated writing it down.

"Liberty" and ... "in." It's just that." Henry said grabbing the bottle of milk on the island.

"Are you finished?" Henry asked kindly.

"Mmm," John responded. Henry turned to put the milk back in the fridge, and John looked at Sherlock and me,

"Mean anything to you?" John asked.

""Liberty in Death" – isn't that the expression? The only true freedom." I asked. John nodded and Sherlock took a drink of his tea.

"What now, then?" Henry asked.

"Sherlock's got a plan," John said. I looked at Sherlock in curiosity, as did Henry.

"Yes." Sherlock nodded. "We take you back out onto the moor..."

"Okay..." Henry began nervously.

"...and see if anything attacks you." Sherlock smiled.

"What?!" John and I both shouted.

"That should bring things to a head," Sherlock added.

"At night? You want me to go out there at night?" Henry asked as Sherlock took another sip of his tea. I glared at him; this is my fault I shouldn't have said what I did.

"Mmm," Sherlock responded.

"That's your plan? Brilliant!" John said sarcastically.

"Got any better ideas?" Sherlock snapped.

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