Chapter 40*Epilogue*

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You by the light is the greatest find

In a world full of wrong, you're the thing that's right
Finally made it through the lonely
To the other side, You said it again
My heart's in motion, Every word feels like a shooting star
I'm at the edge of my emotions, Watchin' the shadows burnin' in the dark
And I-I-I'm in love (I'm in love), And I-I-I'm terrified
For the first time, And the last time
In my only life, life Arist:Kara Dioguardi Song:Terrified

VOTE AND COMMENT!!! Pics to the side take six second pauses. Sage's Dress, Bride's maid dresses, and the reception.

Sage’s Pov.

I was sitting in my huge white dress; it was just how I wanted it, all thanks to Mrs. Colton. Aubrey was helping me put on my shoes and Lana was adding the veil to my hair. Though I had no father to walk me down the aisle, Mark was happy to substitute in. Cory was my ring bearer, Zac was Blaze’s best man, Jeremy was also a groomsman, Aubrey and Lana were my bridesmaids, and Matthew was going to be taken care of by my mom for the time being.

Blaze asked me if I wanted him to propose to me again at a random time, but I didn’t want to. Our wedding date was already set and I think our story had character.

“Aww, girl you’re getting married!” Aubrey smiled, jumping up and down a bit.

“I know, and I’m excited and nervous. What if Blaze doesn’t like the dress? Or what if I’m no good… at it? We all know he’s experienced.” I asked chewing on my lip. It really was on my mind.

“Don’t worry chika. You’ll be fine. Blaze will be gentle and he’ll understand.” Lana replied with a small smile.

“Besides girl, you’re going to go on that trip to Las Vegas and rock his world!” Aubrey pitched in. There was a knock at the door and my heart dropped to my stomach. I was so nervous. Blaze’s mother poked her head through the cracked open door.

“Girls it’s time to start,” she gave me a warm smile and walked away. Blaze’s dad decided to not come, and I didn’t care. Blaze didn’t want him there and neither did I; he didn’t belong in our life. He was only hurdle in our love and we bound over him together. He was negativity that we didn’t need in our life together.

Mark appeared in the door way, a huge smile on his face when he saw us. “You all look beautiful! Well it’s time to put this into action, come on Miss Aroem. It’s time to become Mrs. Colton.” I smiled at him and got up and took his hand that he held out. We walked out to the waiting area that was leading outside where the wedding was held.

The music started and Cory walked out first with the rings on the little pillow. The flowers were sprinkled ahead of time so there was no need for a flower girl. Next Lana and Zac headed down the aisle, walking closer than needed because they finally were together. After them was Aubrey and Jeremy who was excited he was close to her. Finally came my turn and I took a deep breath and the doors opened.

White and Green; that’s what I saw. Through veil covered eyes I could see my friends and family sitting around me at the small traditional wedding that I wanted. My dress was white and green, it was white and flowy and I felt like a princess. It had a diamond belt around it and a green (the color of Blaze’s eyes) ribbon tied under that.

The window was blowing softly making the sun bearable, and giving my dress some breathing room. I looked around at the about 60 people that were in the white chairs and I knew all the faces and that’s what I loved.

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