Chapter 49...

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Super cute cover sent to me! Thank you I freaking love it!! <3 <3

Song above is...Unbreakable by Jamie Scott. I may have used this but I love it! :)

READ AUTHOR'S NOTE AT THE END!! PLEASE! And check my Twitter!!!

Happy Reading!! :)

3 years later....

My hand moved across the canvas on their own. My fingers were stained with paint and lead from my pencils. Slowly the picture was coming more alive and looking exactly what I wanted it to be. Music played around me but I wasn't really listening, too focused on the canvas in front of me.

My hair was pulled back messily and my jeans had some more paint added to them. My butt was starting to ache from sitting here so long but I had no notion of getting up any time soon. I was in the zone and I needed to finish.

The sound of my cell phone ringing loudly and the stop of the music made me pause. Still looking at my painting in front of me I reached over and grabbed my phone. I swiped answer without even looking at the name on the screen.


"Tell me exactly what you are wearing. If it sounds ugly you are changing." Macey said through the phone, not even bothering to say hello.

"Hello to you too Mace. What are you even talking about?" I asked, cradling the phone between my ear and shoulder. My fingers still moving across the paper.

"Please tell me you didn't forget!"

"Forget what?" I was barely listening honestly.

"Dinner tonight!

"Dinner?" I stopped what I was doing and sat up.

"Deep breaths Macey, deep breaths." She muttered to herself. "Yes! The dinner date, at 5:30 pm, we all agreed on doing for Ethan and your boyfriends promotion to CEO's."

"Shit, shit, shit! I forgot about that!" I jumped up from my seat and dropped my paint brush.

"You better hurry and get ready. Our reservations are in an hour and a half!." I barely heard the last part as I hung up and ran from the room.

How could I have forgotten about this? Macey and I have planned this for weeks now and of course here I go forgetting about it. Now I had an hour to get ready for dinner and make sure the present I got Gage is in m purse. 

My boyfriend and Ethan were made CEO's of their company G&G this past week, becoming two of the youngest people to do so. It had nothing to do with Ethan's father owning the place. They both worked hard these past 3 years that they deserved it. More than anyone else. Both guys worked harder than anyone else in that office.

I quickly ran to my bathroom and started the water, stripping out of my paint stained clothes. I have been so busy with the new business and getting some of my paintings done for the art exhibit in two weeks, that a lot of things have skipped my mind lately.

My shower was probably the quickest one I have ever taken. In less than 10 minutes my hair was washed and wrapped in a towel as I moved around the bedroom, trying to find something to wear. I didn't have to be dressed too fancy thank god.

I was so proud of Gage and what he has accomplished already, which just made this day even more important. Plus I had a small surprise for him tonight as well. Well not really small but I knew it was something he has wanted for years now. Our anniversary was coming up too so I wanted to give him something he will love. I just hope he will like it and not be mad at me.

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